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Concordia Seminary Offers Ninth Annual Adult Choir Member Workshop

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will offer its ninth annual adult choir member workshop, entitled Schola Cantorum on Saturday, Jan. 30, 1999, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration, all rehearsals, and the morning and closing prayer will be held in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Seminary campus.

“The annual workshop is designed to allow choir members the opportunity to learn and rehearse new choral music, to learn better the art of singing, and to gain insight from a distinguished guest presenter,” commented Rev. Henry Gerike, Director of Choral Activities at Concordia Seminary and Director of the annual Schola Cantorum workshop. “Adult choir members, choir directors and ministers of music would be among those who are especially encouraged to attend.”

Dr. Frederick H. Telschow, former Director of Music at Valparaiso University’s Chapel of the Resurrection, will be this year’s featured presenter. In addition to his tenure at Valparaiso University, Dr. Telschow taught at Lutheran high schools in Seward, Neb., and St. Louis, Mo. “He has rich and varied experience in all phases of choral music,” commented Gerike. “He has trained choirs at both the high school and university levels and is widely known as a conductor of workshops and seminars.”

The cost for the workshop is $65 per congregation if registrations are received prior to Jan. 22, 1999 and $75 per congregation thereafter. As a special incentive for congregations of less than 200 members, a reduced registration fee of $50 is offered.

For more information or registration forms, please contact Rev. Henry Gerike at 314/505-7539.

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