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Dr. Arleigh Lutz Serves as District President in Residence at Concordia Seminary

Dr. Arleigh Lutz, president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod’s North Wisconsin District and chairman of the Synod’s Council of Presidents served as “District President in Residence” March 13-15 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Dr. Lutz preached at the Seminary’s March 14 morning chapel service, visited and spoke in many classes and spoke to the entire Seminary community in a March 15 convocation.

The “In Residence” program at Concordia Seminary involves three different components. In the fall quarter each year, a “Pastor In Residence” visits the campus to share insights from his ministry. In the winter quarter, a “Missionary in Residence” addresses the Seminary community regarding experiences and opportunities in mission work. In the spring quarter, one of the LCMS district presidents shares his observations and insights regarding ministry with students, faculty and staff.

“I think the program is beneficial for all involved,” commented Prof. Larry Rockemann, vice president for student life at Concordia Seminary. “It is vital that our Seminary community receives input from those who are serving as pastors, missionaries and district presidents. This program is one of the many ways this occurs on our campus. I also think that the ‘In Residence’ visitors leave the Seminary encouraged by what they have experienced as they interacted with our students, faculty and staff.”

An audio file of the March 15 convocation address delivered by Dr. Lutz, “The Pastor as Christian: The Ministry, the Priesthood and the love of Jesus,” is available for listening on the Concordia Seminary Web site (www.csl.edu/convocat.htm [1]).

For more information on the “In Residence” program, contact Prof. Larry Rockemann, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7201; rockemannl@csl.edu [2].

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