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SMP students celebrate calls, program completions

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis celebrated 27 Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program students this week for receiving receiving new calls and completing the program. The SMP students were recognized today during a special service in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus at the end of a week of on-campus intensive courses.

“The SMP Program helps to meet a crucial need for pastors in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as it forms men to serve in specific ministries. At this time, we rejoice with students celebrating new calls and receiving theological diplomas, as well as those now completing the program,” said SMP Program Director Dr. W. Mart Thompson [1]. “Our students highly value the theological education they receive from world-class Seminary professors, which they immediately apply in their ministry context. We give thanks to our Lord for the students’ dedication to this work, along with the vital support of their families, congregations and local mentor pastors. All are used by the Lord to equip and call these men into the pastoral ministry!”

Concluding SMP students: From left, first row: SMP Director Dr. W. Mart Thompson, Richard Parron, Matthew Lee, David Santos, Adam Gray, Joel Hall, Joseph Eisenbacher, President Dr. Thomas J. Egger; second row: Dean of Ministerial Formation Dr. Timothy Saleska, John McCombs, Jeremy Ashley, David Rodgers, Gary Johnson, Corey Harman, Sean Tietze; third row: Director of Placement Dr. Glenn Nielsen, David Bangert, Leo Patrick Luke, Arthur Farrow, David Keddington and Daniel Giardino.

The SMP Program [2] is a four-year program in which men receive theological education in the setting in which they will continue to serve — as pastors of congregations or in other ministries of the LCMS — following certification, call and ordination. Local pastor-mentors work with SMP students to provide day-to-day guidance, encouragement and prayer.

The students recognized for pastoral calls include:

The students recognized for program completion include:

The Seminary recognizes and celebrates calls throughout the year although the campus’ primary Call Day [3] celebration typically is held in April. During call celebrations, students receive their first calls to ministry as well as assignments for vicarages and deaconess internships. The Seminary’s next primary Call Day is set for April 23, 2024.

About Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) [4]. To learn more, visit csl.edu [5].

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