Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Biermann Accepts Call to Seminary Faculty
Dr. Joel D. Biermann has accepted the divine call issued him to serve as assistant professor of systematic theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Biermann will teach courses in doctrinal theology, including ethics, for those who are preparing to serve as pastors in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. He will be installed during the opening service for the Seminary’s 164th academic year on Sunday, Sept. 8.
Biermann received his baccalaureate degree from Concordia College (now University) in Ann Arbor, Mich. in 1983 and his master of divinity degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 1987.
Following Seminary graduation, Biermann served as a parish pastor for 11 years before returning to Concordia Seminary to pursue advanced study. His parish ministry experience includes Trinity Lutheran Church, Bimidji, Minn., from 1987-88 and St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Holt, Mich., from 1988-98.
In May 2002, he was a awarded a Ph.D. degree in systematic theology from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. His dissertation is titled, “Virtue Ethics and the Place of Character Formation in Lutheran Theology.”
“Dr. Biermann has distinguished himself in his doctoral work and has completed a dissertation in an area of significant importance not only for Lutheran theology in general but also in addressing the contemporary needs of our church,” commented Dr. Andrew Bartelt, vice president for academic affairs at Concordia Seminary. “He also possesses a great love for the parish ministry and a commitment to the work of our Seminary faculty in shaping, forming, and enabling those who will serve in the pastoral office.”
Biermann brings the Concordia Seminary faculty to 41 full-time professors. More than 80 percent of the faculty members have earned terminal academic degrees in their areas of instruction, and the faculty members average more than 10 years of pastoral ministry experience prior to their teaching responsibilities at Concordia Seminary. Its members have authored dozens of books and journal articles in recent years, addressing a wide array of subjects. In addition, they are in demand as speakers at conferences and conventions throughout the world. Additional information concerning the Concordia Seminary faculty is available on the Seminary’s Web site at www.csl.edu/Faculty.htm. A “Speakers Directory” listing individual faculty members and subjects they regularly address as conference and convention speakers is available at www.csl.edu/speakers.htm.
For more information concerning Concordia Seminary, please contact Communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63105; 314.505.7375; communications@csl.edu.