Field House 75th Anniversary
Calling all former Preachers basketball players, coaches and managers! You’re invited to come celebrate 75 years of Preachers basketball at the Pederson Field House.
Our alumni are key partners in the ongoing mission of Concordia Seminary. As an alumnus of this institution, you join with more than 12,500 graduates since the school’s founding who have gone out to share the Gospel to the ends of the earth. You also refer new students and bring together support for your alma mater. We are grateful for you and our goal is to support you as you serve our Lord and His church.
“There’s no place like Concordia [Seminary] for one to really engage in the study of theology!”
— Zam Khat Kham (’16)
“The standout moment for me at Concordia Seminary was the acceptance that I felt when I came on campus.”
— Rev. Will Main (’11)
“The Seminary has been very close to us and meaningful to us. It’s been a wonderful part of our lives. We recommend the Seminary to anyone who may be interested in going into pastoral ministry.”
— Dr. Roy Maack (’56)
“I can think of no other organization or Synod entity that has a more direct impact on the ministry of the local congregation than Concordia Seminary.” — Rev. Eloy Gonzalez (’01)
Calling all former Preachers basketball players, coaches and managers! You’re invited to come celebrate 75 years of Preachers basketball at the Pederson Field House.
Our annual Alumni Reunion offers Concordia Seminary graduates and spouses a time to connect, reminisce and celebrate.
Each new class endowment and every single gift added to an established alumni endowment empowers the Seminary to better meet the needs of students, church and world.
Explore our Alumni Council and Alumni District Representatives as well as the work they’re doing to serve as the collective “voice” of alumni to the President of the Seminary.
We want to keep our alumni informed and connected, both to the Seminary and with one another. Many resources are available to alumni through this website and Seminary publications.
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis alumni may access ATLASerials® (ATLAS®), an online database that includes search engine and full text of more than 100 major religious and theological journals selected by leading scholars and theologians. On this platform, alumni can research the history of a topic from as early as 1924 to the present, through a combined total of more than 200,000 articles and book reviews.
The staff of Concordia Seminary library are delighted to offer this most relevant and useful resource to our alumni. The full run of Concordia Journal has recently been added to the database, and plans are under way to include Concordia Theological Monthly from 1948-73.
Access is open to all alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. For more information or to request access to ATLAS®, (web address, account name and password), send an email request to librarycirc@csl.edu.
Don’t miss out on the news you’ll want to know! This monthly emailed publication is our way to communicate with alumni about current happenings with their alma mater. Please fill out the form on this page to subscribe.
To notify us of a significant change in your life or ministry, please send a brief message to Melodie Bostic at alumni@csl.edu.