Master of Arts (M.A.)
The purpose of studying for the degree of Master of Arts (M.A.) is to acquire a general competence in the study of theology, which includes both a major and minor in that study.
The M.A. is designed for both clergy and laity. It is especially helpful for Christian men and women who seek to further their knowledge of theology so they may give appropriate leadership in their congregation and communities.
Students applying to the M.A. Program will declare both a major and minor area of study chosen from the following areas: Exegetical, Systematic, Historical or Practical Theology. Students choosing the Spiritual Care Major are not required to choose a minor.
Master of Arts (M.A.), Exegetical Theology Major
The Exegetical Theology Major focuses on the exposition and interpretation of the Old and New Testaments, giving students deep roots and understanding of the Bible in its original languages.
Master of Arts (M.A.), Historical Theology Major
The Historical Theology Major examines the Lutheran Christian tradition in its historical and cultural contexts, preparing students to apply these insights to the needs of the church today.
Master of Arts (M.A.), Practical Theology Major
The Practical Theology Major focuses on the practical application of biblical exegesis and theology, equipping students to effectively minister and share the Gospel in a modern world.
Master of Arts (M.A.), Systematic Theology Major
The Systematic Theology Major focuses on the biblical, creedal and confessional testimonies of the Lutheran church.
Admissions Standards
Applications are considered by the Advanced Studies Committee (ASC) at set times throughout the year. All application materials must be received, in their entirety, by Nov. 15 each year in order for an applicant to be considered for admission.
In order for an application to be considered, the following are required:
- An applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited educational institution, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale).
- An M.A. applicant, (including deaconess students) must demonstrate competency by passing, at 70 percent or higher, the Entry Level Competency Examinations (ELCEs) before starting program classes. For more information please see the “Academic Policies and Procedures” section of the Academic Catalog. ELCE exams are administered through Admissions.
- The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Exam is no longer a standard admissions requirement of the M.A. Program but may be requested if an applicant shows need to further demonstrate his or her academic ability. This request can be made upon the discretion of the Graduate School or Advanced Studies Committee. If GRE scores are requested, they may be no more than five years old. Information and registration for the GRE can be found at ets.org/gre. The Concordia Seminary number for the GRE is R-6115-0.
- There are no general requirements for foreign language proficiency for the M.A. Program. However, students whose major is Exegetical Theology will be required to demonstrate proficiency in biblical Greek and biblical Hebrew in order to attend courses conducted in these biblical languages.
Note: Because residential deaconess students are graduate students they must apply to the Graduate School’s M.A. Program for admission.
Spanish Language Courses
Select courses offered through Concordia Seminary’s Center for Hispanic Studies have been approved for master’s-level credit. Upon application and admission to the M.A. Program, such courses can be taken and be applied toward the M.A. This option allows for the completion of the M.A. through courses that are all taught in Spanish.
Eligibility for Admission, SMP and M.A. Program
Because Specific Ministry Pastor Program (SMP) courses are taught at the M.A. level, and the SMP to General Pastor Certification (GPC) courses are Master of Divinity (M.Div.)/M.A. courses, by completing courses from the SMP to GPC Program you can, if you qualify, earn the M.A. degree with a Practical Theology Major from Concordia Seminary in addition to the theological certification. Among the requirements are:
- An earned B.A. degree
- Minimum 3.0 GPA in the SMP courses
- Recent GRE scores (no more than five years old)
The student will be expected to:
- Complete four courses toward the major/minor
- Pass the Practical Theology M.A. comprehensive examination, which is usually administered following completion of course work.
Dual Degree Programs
For information regarding dual degree programs with Fontbonne University (Master of Not-for-Profit Management, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education) or Saint Louis University (Master of Social Work), please contact the Registrar’s Office at 314-505-7761 or registrar@csl.edu.
Master of Arts (M.A.) Requirements
- Complete the online application
- Submit a $100 nonrefundable application fee. (The fee is waived for Concordia Seminary graduates and international applicants.)
- Statement of background and intention: Please include a detailed response as to why you want to attend Concordia Seminary, why you are pursuing this program of study and how you plan to use your degree (limit your response to one-half page).
- A brief essay written in English, on a theological topic of your choice: Please provide an essay that represents your theological understanding on a theological topic of your area of interest (depth of topic is more valuable than length).
- Three academic references (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis graduates need only submit two academic references): Use the writeable PDF to request academic references.
- Transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate credits you have earned: Please request an official transcript from each institution where you have earned undergraduate or graduate credits. A hard copy of the transcript may be sent to: Admissions, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105 or an electronic copy may be sent to gradschooladm@csl.edu.
- If planning to write a thesis for an M.A., please submit a written statement describing in detail a topic you have an interest in pursuing.
- A document explaining how you intend to finance your degree work, including living expenses: Please provide a detailed document, explaining how you will finance your degree, including mortgage payment, car payment, living expenses, previous student loans and consumer debt.
- A recent photograph of yourself. (International applicants, please provide a photocopy of the identification and picture page of your passport.)
- The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Exam is no longer a standard admissions requirement of the M.A. Program but may be requested if an applicant shows need to further demonstrate his or her academic ability. This request can be made upon the discretion of the Graduate School or Advanced Studies Committee. If GRE scores are requested, they may be no more than five years old. Information and registration for the GRE can be found at ets.org/gre. The Concordia Seminary number for the GRE is R-6115-0.
- For applicants whose native language is not English, please submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test. The Concordia Seminary number for the TOEFL is R-6115-0. The Graduate School also accepts IELTS or Duolingo English Test scores in place of the TOEFL.
- Completion of Entry Level Competency Exams (ELCEs) in Old Testament, New Testament and Christian Doctrine are required of all M.A. applicants as part of their admissions process.
Documents may be uploaded as attachments when submitting your application (limit of 10 total documents, 10 MB each), or documents may be sent to: gradschooladm@csl.edu.
Questions? Contact Admissions at 314-505-7222 or gradschooladm@csl.edu.
Students may select among several concentration options including Exegetical, Systematic, Historical and Practical Theology.
Before matriculation, all M.A. students must demonstrate proficiency in basic Christian doctrine (as represented especially in Luther’s Small and Large Catechisms), Old Testament content, and New Testament content. Proficiency may be demonstrated either by passing proficiency examinations administered by Concordia Seminary or by passing applicable courses (credit not applicable to the M.A. degree) at Concordia Seminary. Students are encouraged to take these exams as early as possible in the application process. If the exam is not passed on the first attempt, the student may either attempt the exam once more or register for the associated pre-seminary course during the summer term preceding matriculation.
Credit Distribution
Master of Arts (M.A.) Departmental Majors
Major 18 hours Minor 12 hours Free Electives 9 hours Comprehensive exam in major or thesis 0 hours TOTAL CREDIT HOURS FOR MASTER OF ARTS 39 HOURS
Master of Arts (M.A.), Spiritual Care Major
The Spiritual Care Major delves into each aspect of theology — exegetical, systematic, historical and practical — with a unique focus on the spiritual care of women, children, families and people in general. A woman also may choose to add Deaconess Certification, which includes Resident Field Education, an internship and two internship seminar courses focused on the work of a deaconess in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Admissions Standards
Applications are considered by the Advanced Studies Committee (ASC) at set times throughout the year. All application materials must be received, in their entirety, by Nov. 15 each year in order for an applicant to be considered for admission.
Admission to Deaconess Studies (M.A. with Major in Spiritual Care plus ministerial formation component leading to certification) ordinarily is contingent on the student’s membership in a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or of a church body in fellowship with the Synod. An applicant is to have been involved actively as a communicant member in a Lutheran congregation for not less than two years prior to enrollment.
College Preparation
Applicants to Deaconess Studies ordinarily must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale). The degree should represent a broad liberal arts background and should include courses in English composition, writing and speech. It also should include courses in the humanities, psychology, social sciences, natural sciences and religion. Applicants also may find it helpful to take at least one foreign language.
For more information, review the academic catalog and entrance level competency exam requirements.
Master of Arts (M.A.), Spiritual Care Major Requirements
- Complete the online application
- Submit a $100 nonrefundable application fee. (The fee is waived for Concordia Seminary graduates and international applicants.)
- Statement of background and intention: Please include a detailed response as to why you want to attend Concordia Seminary, why you are pursuing this program of study and how you plan to use your degree (limit your response to one-half page).
- A brief essay written in English, on a theological topic of your choice: Please provide an essay that represents your theological understanding on a theological topic of your area of interest (depth of topic is more valuable than length).
- Three academic references (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis graduates need only submit two academic references): Use the writeable PDF to request academic references.
- Transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate credits you have earned: Please request an official transcript from each institution where you have earned undergraduate or graduate credits. A hard copy of the transcript may be sent to: Admissions, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105 or an electronic copy may be sent to gradschooladm@csl.edu.
- If planning to write a thesis for an M.A., please submit a written statement describing in detail a topic you have an interest in pursuing.
- A document explaining how you intend to finance your degree work, including living expenses: Please provide a detailed document, explaining how you will finance your degree, including mortgage payment, car payment, living expenses, previous student loans and consumer debt.
- A recent photograph of yourself. (International applicants, please provide a photocopy of the identification and picture page of your passport.)
- The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Exam is no longer a standard admissions requirement of the M.A. Program but may be requested if an applicant shows need to further demonstrate his or her academic ability. This request can be made upon the discretion of the Graduate School or Advanced Studies Committee. If GRE scores are requested, they may be no more than five years old. Information and registration for the GRE can be found at ets.org/gre. The Concordia Seminary number for the GRE is R-6115-0.
- For applicants whose native language is not English, please submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test. The Concordia Seminary number for the TOEFL is R-6115-0. The Graduate School also accepts IELTS or Duolingo English Test scores in place of the TOEFL.
Documents may be uploaded as attachments when submitting your application (limit of 10 total documents, 10MB each.), or documents may be sent to: gradschooladm@csl.edu.
There is a size limit of 10MB for each document uploaded with this application and a limit of 10 total documents that may be attached.
Questions? Contact Admissions at 314-505-7222 or gradschooladm@csl.edu.
More details about this major are coming soon. Please check back for more information.
Credit Distribution
Master of Arts in Spiritual Care
EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY 9 HOURS EXE507 Interpreting and Communicating the Word 3 hours EXE721 Reading and Using the New Testament* 3 hours EXE731 Psalms for Spiritual Care 1.5 hours EXE7XX English-based Old Testatment course** 1.5 hours *EXE522(Synoptic Gospels) and EXE525 (PaulineEpistles) can be taken in place of EXE721. Proficiency in biblical Greek required.
**EXE512 (Torah) or EXE515 (Prophets) can be taken in place of EXE7XX. Proficiency in biblical Hebrew required.
PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 9 HOURS PRA711 Spiritual Care Foundations 3 hours PRA712 Spiritual Care of Women 3 hours PRA714 Spiritual Care & the Word 3 hours SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY 12 HOURS SYS507 Introduction to Systematic Theology 3 hours SYS511 Creeds and Confessions 3 hours SYS512 Systematics I or SYS513 Church & World 3 hours SYS528 Theology of Ethics and Human Care 3 hours HISTORICAL THEOLOGY 3 HOURS HIS507 Introduction to Historical Theology 3 hours FREE ELECTIVES 9 HOURS Comprehensive Exam or Thesis TOTAL CREDIT HOURS M.A. (SPIRITUAL CARE): 42 HOURS + EXAM OR THESIS -
Course Load
More details about this major are coming soon. Please check back for more information.
Master of Arts (M.A.), Taught in Spanish
In partnership with Concordia Seminary’s Graduate School, the Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS) offers an M.A. Program to qualified students. Students can major in Practical Theology or Systematic Theology.
Select courses offered through CHS have been approved for master’s-level credit. Upon application and admission to the M.A. Program, such courses can be taken and be applied toward the M.A. degree. This option allows for the completion of the M.A. through courses that are all taught in Spanish.
Admissions Standards
Applications are considered by the Advanced Studies Committee (ASC) at set times throughout the year. All application materials must be received, in their entirety, by Nov. 15 each year in order for an applicant to be considered for admission.
Master of Arts (M.A.) Standards
In order for an application to be considered, the following are required:
- An applicant must have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited educational institution, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale).
- An M.A. applicant, (including deaconess students) must demonstrate competency by passing, at 80 percent or higher, the Entry Level Competency Examinations (ELCEs) before starting program classes. For more information please see the “Academic Policies and Procedures” section of the Academic Catalog. ELCE exams are administered through Ministerial Recruitment and Admissions.
- The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Exam is no longer a standard admissions requirement of the M.A. Program but may be requested if an applicant shows need to further demonstrate his or her academic ability. This request can be made upon the discretion of the Graduate School or Advanced Studies Committee. If GRE scores are requested, they may be no more than five years old. Information and registration for the GRE can be found at ets.org/gre. The Concordia Seminary number for the GRE is R-6115-0.
- There are no general requirements for foreign language proficiency for the M.A. Program. However, students whose major is Exegetical Theology will be required to demonstrate proficiency in biblical Greek and biblical Hebrew in order to attend courses conducted in these biblical languages.
Note: Because residential deaconess students are graduate students they must apply to the Graduate School’s M.A. Program for admission.
Spanish Language Courses
Select courses offered through Concordia Seminary’s Center for Hispanic Studies have been approved for master’s-level credit. Upon application and admission to the M.A. Program, such courses can be taken and be applied toward the M.A. This option allows for the completion of the M.A. through courses that are all taught in Spanish.
Eligibility for Admission, SMP and M.A. Program
Because the SMP courses are taught at the M.A. level, and the SMP to GPC courses are M.Div./M.A. courses, by completing courses from the SMP to GPC Program you can, if you qualify, earn the M.A. degree with a Practical Theology Major from Concordia Seminary in addition to the theological certification. Among the requirements are:
- An earned B.A. degree
- Minimum 3.0 GPA in the SMP courses
- Recent GRE scores (no more than 5 years old)
The student will be expected to:
- Complete four courses toward the major/minor
- Pass the Practical Theology M.A. comprehensive examination, which is usually administered following completion of course work.
Dual Degree Programs
For information regarding dual degree programs with Fontbonne University (Master of Not-for-Profit Management, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education) or Saint Louis University (Master of Social Work), please contact the Registrar’s Office at 314-505-7761 or registrar@csl.edu.
Master of Arts (M.A.), Taught in Spanish Requirements
- Complete the online application
- Submit a $100 nonrefundable application fee. (The fee is waived for Concordia Seminary graduates and international applicants.)
- Statement of background and intention: Please include a detailed response as to why you want to attend Concordia Seminary, why you are pursuing this program of study and how you plan to use your degree (limit your response to one-half page).
- A brief essay written in English, on a theological topic of your choice: Please provide an essay that represents your theological understanding on a theological topic of your area of interest (depth of topic is more valuable than length).
- Three academic references (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis graduates need only submit two academic references): Use the writeable PDF to request academic references.
- Transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate credits you have earned: Please request an official transcript from each institution where you have earned undergraduate or graduate credits. A hard copy of the transcript may be sent to: Admissions, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105 or an electronic copy may be sent to gradschooladm@csl.edu.
- If planning to write a thesis for an M.A., please submit a written statement describing in detail a topic you have an interest in pursuing.
- A document explaining how you intend to finance your degree work, including living expenses: Please provide a detailed document, explaining how you will finance your degree, including mortgage payment, car payment, living expenses, previous student loans and consumer debt.
- A recent photograph of yourself. (International applicants, please provide a photocopy of the identification and picture page of your passport.)
- The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Exam is no longer a standard admissions requirement of the M.A. Program but may be requested if an applicant shows need to further demonstrate his or her academic ability. This request can be made upon the discretion of the Graduate School or Advanced Studies Committee. If GRE scores are requested, they may be no more than five years old. Information and registration for the GRE can be found at ets.org/gre. The Concordia Seminary number for the GRE is R-6115-0.
- For applicants whose native language is not English, please submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test. The Concordia Seminary number for the TOEFL is R-6115-0. The Graduate School also accepts IELTS or Duolingo English Test scores in place of the TOEFL.
Documents may be uploaded as attachments when submitting your application (limit of 10 total documents, 10MB each.), or documents may be sent to: gradschooladm@csl.edu.
There is a size limit of 10MB for each document uploaded with this application and a limit of 10 total documents that may be attached.
Questions? Contact Admissions at 314-505-7222 or gradschooladm@csl.edu.
Students may select among several concentration options including Exegetical, Systematic, Historical and Practical Theology.
Before matriculation, all M.A. students must demonstrate proficiency in basic Christian doctrine (as represented especially in Luther’s Small and Large Catechisms), Old Testament content, and New Testament content. Proficiency may be demonstrated either by passing proficiency examinations administered by Concordia Seminary or by passing applicable courses (credit not applicable to the M.A. degree) at Concordia Seminary. Students are encouraged to take these exams as early as possible in the application process. If the exam is not passed on the first attempt, the student may either attempt the exam once more or register for the associated pre-seminary course during the summer term preceding matriculation.
Credit Distribution
Master of Arts (M.A.) Departmental Majors
Major 18 hours Minor 12 hours Free Electives 9 hours Comprehensive exam in major or thesis 0 hours TOTAL CREDIT HOURS FOR MASTER OF ARTS 39 HOURS
Specific Ministry Pastor to Master of Arts (SMP-M.A.)
By completing courses in the SMP to General Pastor Certification (GPC) Program, students may qualify to earn an M.A. with a Practical Theology Major in addition to theological certification and a Systematic Theology Minor.
Master of Arts (M.A.) Dual Degree Programs
For information regarding dual degree programs with Fontbonne University (Master of Not-for-Profit Management, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education) or Saint Louis University (Master of Social Work), please contact the Registrar’s Office.