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The administration of Concordia Seminary has been assigned by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to the president, whose administrative structure is presented to and approved by the Board of Regents. In order to more efficiently and effectively carry out the administrative functions of his office, the president has delegated broad authority and responsibility to the Executive Management Team, which consists of the provost and the executive vice president along with the president. Together, this team manages the daily activities of the Seminary.

Executive Management Team

Egger, Thomas

President, Office of the President

Professor of Exegetical Theology, Exegetical Theology

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Mudge, Ronald

Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Office of the Provost

Professor of Exegetical Theology, Exegetical Theology

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Louis, Michael

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Office of the Executive Vice President

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Board of Regents

The Board of Regents serves to ensure Concordia Seminary fulfills its mission of theological education and leadership centered in the Gospel in the name of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS). The board meets quarterly. Its meeting minutes may be viewed below.

Board of Regents Meeting Minutes

Brondos, Joel

Retired LCMS Pastor, Geneseo, Ill.

Edmon, Paul

ITC Research Computing Associate, Medford, Mass.

Hagan, R. Lee


President, LCMS Missouri District, St. Louis Mo.

Matthew Kenitzer photo

Kenitzer, Matthew

Project Manager, Waterloo, Iowa

Keseman, Bruce

Pastor, Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, Freeburg, Ill.

Koontz, Adam

Associate Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Denver, Colo.

Lang, John

Director of Pharmaceutical Development, retired, Woodville, Ohio

Lange, Peter

V.P. designation by the Synod President

First Vice President, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, St. Louis, Mo.

Mons, Max


Pastor, St. Paul's Lutheran Chapel, Iowa City, Iowa

Paradis, Bruce

Finance, retired, Eden Prairie, Minn.

Staub, Michael

Teacher and Director of Instrumental Ensembles, Houston, Texas

Stern, Mark


Attorney, Lake Forest, Ill.

LCMS Council of Presidents’ Representative
