Aug 12, 2002 Print This Article

Evening M.A. Program Benefits Working Adults

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce that the program is offered in the evening on its campus. The program may be concluded by taking either comprehensive exams or writing a thesis.

Specifically designed for people working in the St. Louis metropolitan area, the evening M.A. degree program has been structured so that students can complete all degree requirements in a two-year period that includes summer study. The current configuration leads to a major in systematic theology and a minor in either practical theology or historical theology.

“The evening M.A. is a great program for people who wish to pursue an advanced degree,” commented Dr. Bruce G. Schuchard, assistant professor of exegetical theology and dean of the Graduate School. “The ability to select either the thesis or exam option for completing the M.A. provides each student with the opportunity to focus upon his or her own interests.”

Seminary faculty members teach most of the courses in the M.A. program. This is a distinct, qualitative advantage over many graduate schools, which hire outside staff to teach in the evening.

Currently, 68 students are enrolled in the M.A. program (day and evening) at the Seminary. More than half of these students are women, and the majority of the men are lay people. Ten international students are enrolled.

For more information about the evening M.A. program or any other graduate degree, contact the Concordia Seminary Graduate School, 801 DeMun Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7102;