Sep 03, 2004 Print This Article

Seminary Welcomes New DELTO Class

A total of 15 students and 13 mentors from all over the country attended their first session of the DELTO (Distance Education Leading To Ordination) program, held Aug. 30-Sept. 1 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The DELTO students were introduced to the curriculum of the program and the distance education technology required by the program.

While on campus, both students and mentors engaged in orientation sessions to Web-based learning and educational technology such as audio-conferencing, e-mail and accessing the Concordia Seminary Web site ( Also, mentors took part in training sessions to acquaint them with the support role they will offer to the students.

The DELTO program is a distance education program designed to address needs and opportunities for pastoral ministry in specialized situations by providing off-campus education to Seminary students who have been admitted to a certificate program. It provides contextual theological education leading to ordination for men who provide pastoral service to congregations or in situations that cannot support a full-time pastor or missionary.

For further information, contact Prof. David W. Wollenburg, director of DELTO at Concordia Seminary, at (314) 505-7139 or