Jan 05, 2005 Print This Article

Prof. Lessing To Lead Pre-Lenten Preaching Workshop

A Pre-Lenten Preaching Workshop, sponsored by the South Dakota District Continuing Education Committee, will be held Jan. 13-14 (noon to noon), 2005, at Zion Lutheran Church, Mitchell, S.D. The presenter will be Dr. R. Reed Lessing, assistant professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. The theme will be “Passion Words of the Old Testament.”

“The Old Testament is chock-full of passion themes—from the serpent being crushed in Genesis 3:15 to Isaiah’s fourth Servant Song,” commented Lessing. “Yet this workshop will look at some of the lesser-known Old Testament passion themes and focus on them by means single words. Examples include Jeremiah’s purchase of a field in Anathoth (buy!), Gideon’s call by Yahweh (enlist!) and Elisha providing oil for a poor woman (nothing!). Participants will be lead through thorough exegetical studies and additionally will receive a complete sermon on each word.”

The cost of the workshop is $30 per person, payable to the South Dakota District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Registration and payment are due by Jan. 10, 2005. A maximum of .75 CEU are available through Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for an additional fee of $10, payable at the time of the workshop.

Zion Lutheran Church is located at 620 E. Third Avenue, Mitchell, SD 57501. For directions, call the church at (605) 996-7530. To receive further information, contact Concordia Seminary’s Office of Continuing Education and Parish Services at (314) 505-7123 or ce@csl.edu.