Jan 17, 2007 Print This Article

Seminary Celebrates Release of Matthew Commentary

On Wednesday, Jan. 10, the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, community lined up to have copies of “Matthew,” the latest commentary in the Concordia Commentary Series, signed by its author, Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, professor at Concordia Seminary. The book-signing was part of a special reception on the Seminary campus to give recognition to the publication of the new commentary.

Bruce Kintz, president of Concordia Publishing House, publisher; Dr. Christopher Mitchell from the editorial board; Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary; Dr. James Voelz, dean of the faculty at Concordia Seminary; and Gibbs spoke at the reception.

“Concordia Seminary is so very proud of the work Jeff Gibbs has done in producing his commentary on the first half of Matthew’s Gospel,” commented Dr. James Voelz, the Seminary’s dean of the faculty. “Jeff blends beautifully grammatical analysis and theological interpretation, in a way that is, frankly, exemplary. His treatment of the Sermon on the Mount is ‘worth the price of admission’ alone. As his former teacher and current colleague, I couldn’t be more pleased personally for his accomplishment.”

In the preface to the commentary, Gibbs comments on the influence his parents have had on his life as faithful Lutheran Christian: “Through my parents, the triune God taught me to worship and to learn, to receive his gifts and to serve him. If this commentary succeeds in helping anyone to do the same, then I will be glad indeed, and the godly ministry performed by my believing father and mother will continue to be extended, even as together we wait for the glorious return of the Son of Man” (p. xvi).

Gibbs is professor of exegetical theology and academic advisor for first-year students at Concordia Seminary. He received the B.A. degree (1974) from William Marsh Rice University, Houston, Texas; the M.Div. (1979) and S.T.M. (1988) degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.; and the Ph.D. (1995) from Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. He has served as pastor at Calvary Lutheran Church, St. Helens, Ore., and Grace Lutheran Church, Scappoose, Ore. He joined the Seminary faculty as assistant professor in 1992.

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7370; SemRelations@csl.edu.