Concordia Seminary Newsroom
25 Cyclists Take Part in Tour de Sem
On Saturday, May 5, an enthusiastic group of 25 cyclists from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, including 13 students and spouses, five faculty members and spouses, and seven friends of the Seminary community, took part in the third annual Tour de Sem. Participants bicycled from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Columbia, Ill., to Trinity Lutheran Church, Altenberg, Mo. Of the 25 participants, 19 completed the entire 95-mile ride.
The ride ended with dinner and tours of the original Seminary site and other historical points of interest related to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The tour was provided by the Perry County Lutheran Historical Society.
This was the first extended ride for six of the cyclists. One of the six was Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary. Meyer rode 46 miles, stopping at Ste. Genevieve, Mo.
“I was sore for a day,” commented Meyer. “Would I do it again? Yes, and next year I’ll go for the whole 95 miles. Life is body, soul and spirit, and riding in Tour de Sem blessed me in all three.”
Prof. Jeffrey Kloha, assistant professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary and an avid cyclist, and a group of students organize the Tour de Sem. The event is sponsored by Touring Cyclist, a business close to the Seminary campus.
“We all enjoyed the fun and fellowship during the training rides and getting to know each other better as brothers and sisters in Christ,” said Kevin McReynolds, a second-year Seminary student. “Another great aspect of the Tour de Sem is that while we exercise physically, we are also exercising principles of good stewardship in caring for the gift of our bodies from God.”
For more information, contact Communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7374; communications@csl.edu.