Jun 25, 2007 Print This Article

Enthusiastic Alumni Attend Class Reunion

An enthusiastic group of approximately 225 alumni, spouses, widows and guests attended the Concordia Seminary Alumni Reunion, held May 29-31 on the Seminary campus. This year’s reunion, which included graduating classes from years ending in a “2” or “7,” was one of the largest reunions in recent years.

On May 30, Dr. Timothy Saleska (Class of 1982), associate professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary, led the opening devotions; Dr. Andrew Bartelt (Class of 1976), the Seminary’s executive vice president, provided an introduction to the Alumni Roundtable Discussions; and Seminary president Dr. Dale A. Meyer (Class of 1973) delivered an address regarding current events and future plans at the Seminary. A brunch, hosted by Diane Meyer, was held for the spouses and widows of alumni.

Dr. Charles Manske (Class of 1957) served as preacher at the Jubilarian Service. Manske was the founding president of Concordia University, Irvine, Calif., and currently serves as the executive producer of “Point of Truth,” a video series of Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod worship services sponsored by individual congregations in cooperation with the LCMS Board for Communication Services.

New to this year’s alumni reunion were a series of roundtable discussions, during which participants offered input to faculty and staff concerning their perceptions of the most significant strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Concordia Seminary at this point in its history.

“This information is very valuable to us as we endeavor to form strategic plans for both our mission and campus facilities,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, special assistant to the president and acting director of alumni relations. “The alumni reunion allowed us to have a broad cross-section of our alumni gathered at one time on our campus, and we utilized this event to gather the perceptions of our alumni regarding their alma mater.”

Reunion activities culminated on the evening of May 30 with a banquet held in Wartburg Dining Hall. At the banquet, Dr. Wilbert Rosin (Class of 1947) was honored with the Erwin T. Koch Award, an award given to the oldest reunion attendee.

An optional bus tour of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod International Center and Lutheran Hour Ministries, also new this year, took place following the reunion on May 31.

“Thanks to everyone who made the reunion a great event. My wife and I truly enjoyed it,” commented alumnus Mark Danielson (Class of 1982). “I’d like to encourage those who missed the reunion to plan on attending the next one. We missed you!”

Additional information can be obtained by contacting Alumni Relations at (314) 505-7370 or alumni@csl.edu.