Jun 01, 2007 Print This Article

Seminary Visitation Event for Prospective Pastors and Deaconesses

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to invite prospective students and their guests to attend “Contemplate,” to be held October 11-13 on the Seminary campus. Designed for those who are college age or older, the structured visitation event provides an effective means of learning more about life in the Concordia Seminary community and the preparation that leads to service as a pastor, missionary, chaplain or deaconess in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Check-in and campus tours take place on Thursday afternoon. Those who arrive earlier are invited to observe a class in session or visit the bookstore. A welcome reception and dinner provide a unique opportunity to meet Seminary faculty in an informal setting. After dinner, participants will hear from one of the esteemed faculty members who will address the group on the “Formation for Ministry.”
Paired with a current student, participants will attend chapel and observe a class on Friday morning. Break-out sessions will focus on the spiritual and personal aspects of the decision-making process as well as provide opportunities for presentations on the academic program, resident field education, vicarage and internship years, financial assistance and housing.

A campus information fair will introduce participants to the myriad of services and organizations available to students and their families. An occasion for further dialogue with current students occurs during the student panel discussion Friday evening. Married and single student housing tours and individual appointments with admissions counselors and the Life Transitions Office conclude the structured visitation on Saturday morning.

There is no charge to attend “Contemplate,” and all meals and lodging are provided free of charge. Round-trip transportation to Concordia Seminary from the airport is provided.

For more information, contact the Admissions Office at (800) 822-9545 or admissions@csl.edu.