Jul 16, 2007 Print This Article

Philp to Serve as Admissions Counselor

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce that Rev. Paul A. Philp will serve as admissions counselor for the office of admissions and ministerial recruitment. Previously, Philp was associate (1999-2003) and sole pastor (2003-2005) at Peace Lutheran Church, Faribault, Minn.

Philp also served as an adjunct faculty member at Cannon Valley Lutheran High School, Morristown, Minn. (2000-2001), and circuit counselor for the Faribault Circuit of the Minnesota South District (2003-2005). He received the B.A. degree from Concordia College (now University) Seward, Neb. (1995), and the M.Div. degree from Concordia Seminary (1999). Since 2005, he has been a full-time graduate student in Concordia Seminary’s master of sacred theology program and plans to begin the Ph.D. program this fall. His wife is Sharon.

“It is a great privilege and honor to serve the church by helping to identify and encourage students to prepare for pastoral ministry in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis,” commented Philp. “I am looking forward to a wonderful ministry at a very important time in our Synod’s history.”

For more information, contact the Communications Department, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7374; communications@csl.edu.