Sep 28, 2007 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Announces ‘Expressions of Hope’ Symposium

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host a new symposium, “Expressions of Hope,” on Jan. 28-29, 2008. The event, planned in partnership with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) National Mission Affiliates, is designed to present various expressions of the theological, sociological and economic hope that are evident within the various ethnic communities of the LCMS.

Speakers will include Rev. Dr. E.J. Rethinasamy, Rev. Dr. Dien A. Taylor, Rev. Dr. Jonathan N. Lengar and Rev. Dr. Leopoldo Sanchez. They will present examples of hope from their respective ethnic communities in the LCMS. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on these instances of hope and to consider the theological implications they offer.

“Concordia Seminary is honored to be the site for this new event,” commented Dr. David Wollenburg, associate professor of practical theology at Concordia Seminary and a member of the symposium’s planning committee. “We often overlook the blessings that God is providing in our midst and the hope that accompanies these blessings. Since we maintain that all of life has theological implications, it is appropriate that we consider the theological implications of these various expressions of hope.”

The symposium will be preceded on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2008 by the fourth annual “Celebrating the Black Lutheran Experience,” a worship service to be held at 3:00 p.m. in the Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. The service will include participants from St. Louis area LCMS congregations.

A registration form and additional information will be posted on the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Web site, Additional information also may be obtained by contacting Rev. Lloyd Gaines, 301-717-3882, 301-717-3036 or