Dec 20, 2007 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Chorus Releases New CD

The Laudamus of Concordia Seminary Chorus, under the direction of Rev. Henry V. Gerike, announces the release of a new CD titled “Safe in God’s Faithfulness.” The CD is the 10th recording released by the Chorus in the past 15 years. The CD was recorded in Concordia Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, utilizing the Chapel’s 63-rank Casavant pipe organ.

Selections include “Beautiful Savior”; “Our Father”; “Magnificat”; O Jesus So Sweet, O Jesus So Mild”; “O Holy Child”; “Salvation Is Created”; “Little Lamb”; “The Hills Are Bare at Bethlehem”; “Nunc Dimittis”; “Agnus Dei”; “We Believe that This Is Jesus”; “The Lord Is My Shepherd”; “Peace I Leave With You”; “Psalm 47”; “Shine in Our Hearts”; “Lord, It Belongs Not To My Care”; “No Saint on Earth Lives Life to Self Alone”; “To Thee, O Lord, Do I Lift Up My Soul”; and “Feed Thy Children, God Most Holy.”

The CD premiers two works especially written for the Chorus: “Shine in Our Hearts,” by Jonathan Kohrs, music professor at Concordia University, Chicago (River Forest, Ill.) and “No Saint on Earth Lives Life to Self Alone,” by John Eggert, music professor at Concordia University, St. Paul, Minn. Both of these pieces were written for male choir and viola.

The CD is available for purchase through the Concordia Seminary Bookstore. To order the CD or other previous recordings of the Chorus, contact the Seminary bookstore at (314) 505-7315 or