Mar 27, 2008 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary to Offer On-Campus Summer Workshops

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce its summer 2008 series of on-campus workshops for pastors, professional church workers and interested lay persons. Three workshops, covering a variety of subjects, are offered on-campus, and taught by members of the Concordia Seminary faculty.

“Technology in the Parish” will be offered by Prof. Anthony Cook, June 2-4. Cook is assistant professor of practical theology and director of educational technology at Concordia Seminary.

“Technology in the Parish” focuses on the various uses of technology within the congregational context. The workshop explores the use of technology in the areas of education, worship, administration and outreach. The workshop covers the appropriate use of technology in the parish, demonstration of various available technologies and practical how-to instruction. No technical expertise is required.

The cost for the workshop is $125. Registration and payment is due May 12, and a minimum enrollment is required in order for the workshop to be held.

“Help for Mid-sized Congregations” will be offered by Dr. David Peter, July 28-30. Peter is associate professor of practical theology at Concordia Seminary.

The core functions of pastoral ministry are consistent no matter what the size of a congregation. Nevertheless, sociological and organizational dynamics related to the sheer number of people in the congregational system influence the pastor’s ability effectively to serve the flock. This workshop looks at the distinctive dynamics of a mid-size congregation (150-400 worshippers on an average weekend) so that the pastor may adjust his style of leadership in ministry in a way that is most effective. The workshop will also present three models of organizational structure that the pastor may discern how to best organize laypeople in a congregation of this size to accomplish its mission. Finally, since the demands of a mid-size congregation necessitate additional staff (full or part-time), participants will review guidelines for adding staff and practices for building up a ministry leadership team.

The cost for the workshop is $125. Registration and payment is due July 7, and a minimum enrollment is required in order for the workshop to be held.

“Martin Luther for the Parish Pastor” will be offered by Dr. Timothy Dost, August 11-13. Dost is associate professor of historical theology at Concordia Seminary.

“Martin Luther for the Parish Pastor” examines passages and concepts from Luther useful for parish ministry. Regarding concepts, issues of the two kinds of righteousness, justification by grace through faith, the relationship between Holy Scripture and the Word and the two or three kingdoms, anfechtungen (bad stuff and feelings) and other issues will be explored, paying special attention to passages of Luther useful to the parish pastor. Additionally, passages from the letters and table talk, as well as presentations of accounts of Luther’s life and problems he faced, will highlight issues for the parish pastor today.

The cost for the workshop is $125. Registration and payment is due July 21, and a minimum enrollment is required in order for the workshop to be held.

To register or for more information, contact the Office of Continuing Education and Parish Services, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7486;