Apr 14, 2008 Print This Article

Concordia Journal Receives New Look

Concordia Seminary announces the redesign of the Concordia Journal, the Seminary’s quarterly theological publication. The redesign of Concordia Journal, beginning with Vol. 34, No. 1/2, is part of the Seminary’s effort to provide the best theological resources it can to the broader church.

The new dark green cover provides a fresh, updated and more professional look to the Concordia Journal. In contrast to the familiar red cover, used for over 20 years, the new dark green is more consistent with the Seminary’s identity. In many ways, the new cover echoes elements of the old cover—the title masthead has a similar look and the Seminary seal still figures prominently. The new cover also provides more design flexibility to use the “window” underneath the title to occasionally interchange images based on the themes of individual issues.

The new format of the Concordia Journal is user-friendly with more readable body copy and more clearly divided sections. The article titles on the cover also make locating individual pieces easier. “We hope that the changes will deepen the value of the publication for its readers,” remarked Travis Scholl, managing editor of theological publications and editor of the Concordia Journal.

“The redesign of Concordia Journal is the first step in an ongoing process,” commented Scholl. “As we move forward, we are looking at how we can make the content of Concordia Journal as responsive and useful as possible, an active dialogue partner in the many exciting and relevant conversations happening in theology and in the church,” commented Scholl. “This process will involve integrating the various media the Seminary utilizes to provide theological content—Concordia Journal, book publications,ConcordiaTheology.org, iTunesU, etc. Together they will make for a constellation of resources that pastors, scholars, lay leaders, congregations and schools can use in their work and ministry.”

Issued by the faculty of Concordia Semianry, St. Louis, Mo., Concordia Journal is the successor of Lehre und Wehre (1855-1929), begun by C.F.W. Walther, a founder of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Lehre und Wehre was absorbed by the Concordia Theological Monthly (1930-1972) which was also published by the faculty of Concordia Seminary as the official theological periodical of the Synod.

Concordia Journal follows in the tradition of both of these previous publications. As such, it functions as the theological “voice” of the faculty, as part of its work of providing theological leadership to church and world. Yet, it also functions to introduce other “voices” to its readership (primarily pastors, lay church leaders and scholars), perspectives that it sees as important and helpful to the life of the church. The content of the Concordia Journal is divided into articles, editorial pieces, homiletical helps and book reviews.

The first issue of volume 34 is a double issue covering what is normally the January and April issues of Concordia Journal. TheConcordia Journal is published quarterly (January, April, July and October) for $12.00 annually payable in advance for U.S.A., $13.00 for Canada, $16.00 for foreign countries, by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

For more information, contact Communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7374; communications@csl.edu; or visit the Seminary Web site at www.csl.edu.