Aug 20, 2008 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary To Begin 170th Academic Year

On Sunday, Sept. 7, at 3:00 p.m., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will begin its 170th academic year with a special worship service in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Seminary campus. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary, will serve as preacher. The Seminary’s incoming class, expected to number 100 students, will also be present and sit as a group. The public is invited to attend.

The service will include the installation of seven faculty and staff members: Rev. Dr. Arthur “Andy” Bacon as professor of practical theology and director of curriculum assessment; Rev. Dr. Paul Devantier as senior vice president for seminary advancement; Michael Flynn as senior major gift officer; Mark Kempff as instructor and curriculum developer for the Center for Hispanic Studies; Thomas Rehkop as executive director of seminary support; Rev. Jeffrey Thormodson as assistant to the director of vicarage and internships; and Rev. Blake Wolf as director of the sustaining fund.

During the preceding week, new students will complete an orientation process and register for course work. The orientation process also provides opportunities for new students and their families to become better acquainted, which includes a “Field Day” consisting of men’s and women’s sports activities, games for children and a community-wide barbeque.

Concordia Seminary is located at 801 Seminary Place in St. Louis, Mo. For more information, call (314) 505-7374 or e-mail