Feb 26, 2009 Print This Article

2009 Alumni Reunion Scheduled for June 2-4

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, alumni, spouses and widows are cordially invited to attend the annual Alumni Reunion, which will be held June 2-4, on the Seminary campus. The event is open to graduating classes from years ending in a “4” or “9.”

Many changes have occurred on Concordia Seminary’s campus, while much remains the same. Opportunities will be available to tour the campus and see some of the changes, as well as time to reconnect with friends and even some members of the faculty and staff. The recently renovated Wartburg Commons and the lounge on the second floor of Loeber Hall will be open during the Reunion to give participants an opportunity to rest, relax and reflect upon time spent at Concordia Seminary and visit with classmates and fellow servants of Christ.

The Reunion will begin with registration on Tuesday afternoon, June 2, and will conclude with breakfast on Thursday, June 4. The time in between will be filled with inspiring worship, meaningful fellowship, a carillon concert, good food and helpful information. Programs and activities for spouses and widows of alumni will also be available. On Wednesday, June 3, Dr. Dale A. Meyer (’73), will address the group regarding current events and future plans at the Seminary.

The Alumni Reunion will also feature a presentation on the Seminary’s new Alumni Read initiative. This year’s Alumni Read is John Polkinghorne’s Science and Theology: An Introduction. Alumni Read is an annual invitation to Concordia Seminary’s alumni to read a timely book together over the summer, and discuss it online and in person with each other and the Seminary faculty. The Alumni Read will tie in with the theme for the fall Symposium this year: “Science and Theology: New Questions, New Conversations.”

Invitations to the 2009 Alumni Reunion will be sent in March, which will include a registration form and information concerning area accommodations. Registration forms will also be available for download from the Seminary’s Web site at www.csl.edu.

For more information about the Reunion or to reserve a room for a class gathering, contact Alumni Relations at 314-505-7370 oralumni@csl.edu.