Apr 27, 2009 Print This Article

Seminary Makes Changes To Admission Application Timeline

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, announces that applications for admission by those seeking to serve as pastors and deaconesses in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will now be accepted beginning May 1.

This is a change from the application schedule used in previous years which ran from September 1 to March 31. Under this new timeline, prospective students will have 11 months to apply to Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The application cycle will run from May 1 to March 31.

“Broadening the window of opportunity to apply will greatly benefit the applicant to Concordia Seminary,” said Rev. Kyle Castens, director of admissions and ministerial recruitment. “Now, an applicant will have almost a full year to take care of the items necessary to apply to the Seminary. That can make a big difference when scheduling district interviews and entrance exams.”

Prospective students may download an application or request a paper copy be sent to them at www.csl.edu under the “Admissions” tab.

For more information, contact Admissions, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; 800-822-9545; admissions@csl.edu.