May 06, 2009 Print This Article

Discernment For Interim Ministry Conference Set for July 28-29

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and The National Association of Lutheran Interim Pastors (NALIP) will co-sponsor a Discernment for Interim Ministry workshop, July 28-29, on the Seminary campus. This workshop is specifically designed to identify personal and pastoral gifts needed for this rewarding ministry, and to help participants become aware of the professional and lifestyle challenges that interim ministry brings. In the process, participants will work with Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod staff to discern if they have the gifts for Intentional Interim Ministry. The workshop is open to pastors, principals, deaconal ministers and associates in ministry.

The registration fee is $200 plus additional costs for meals and lodging. To register or for more information, contact Continuing Education and Parish Services at 314-505-7486 or