Jun 10, 2009 Print This Article

Enthusiastic Alumni Attend Class Reunion

An enthusiastic group of approximately 170 alumni, spouses, widows, and guests attended the Concordia Seminary Alumni Reunion, held June 2-4 on the Seminary campus. This year’s reunion included graduating classes from years ending in a “4” or “9.”

The reunion began with Evening Prayer in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. A cookout (with members of the Seminary faculty) followed in the main quad, accompanied by a carillon concert.

On June 3, Seminary president Dr. Dale A. Meyer (Class of 1973) provided a Seminary update. Dr. Richard Marrs, Rev. Travis Scholl, and Kit Born (Continuing Education and Parish Services, Theological Publications, and Educational Technology, respectively) gave presentations outlining the many new resources for ministry, such as on and off campus resources and internet programs offered by the Seminary for today’s pastor.

Diane Meyer hosted a luncheon for the spouses and shared information about campus resources and activities for students, spouses, and families.

Dr. Wilbert J. Sohns (Class of 1959) served as preacher at the Jubilarian Service. Thirty-eight members of the class of 1959 were present for their 50th graduation anniversary.

Reunion activities culminated on the evening of June 3 with a banquet held in Koburg Dining Hall. At the banquet, Revs. Edward Coyner, Paul Huxhold, and Homer Kurth (Class of 1939) were honored with the Erwin T. Koch Award, an award given to the oldest reunion attendees.

A bus tour of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod International Center and Lutheran Hour Ministries took place on the morning of June 4.

Additional information can be obtained by contacting Alumni Relations at 314-505-7370 or alumni@csl.edu.