Jan 19, 2010 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Magazine Premieres New Design

Concordia Seminary announces the redesign of Concordia Seminary magazine, formerly called FOCUS, the Seminary’s quarterly magazine. The redesign of both the layout and the content of the magazine, beginning with Winter 2010, is part of the Seminary’s continuing effort to provide noteworthy news about the Seminary to its friends and supporters around the globe.

In addition to the regular features of FOCUS magazine, the redesign of Concordia Seminary magazine offers new content that should appeal to readers: a new and improved calendar section, with dates of events at the Seminary; an alumni section (formerly the Tower insert, now incorporated into the magazine); news about faculty and their worldwide speaking engagements; and more articles about the students who are preparing to be pastors, deaconesses, missionaries, and leaders in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The feature article in the inaugural issue, “Where we are and where we’re headed,” by Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer, discusses the current economic state of Concordia Seminary and its strategic plan for the future.

“The faculty and staff members who participated in reshaping FOCUS magazine into this one join me in praying that you will find this magazine engaging and helpful,” commented Rev. Dr. Paul Devantier, executive editor and senior vice president for seminary advancement. “It will keep you up to date with your Seminary and will tell how you and others are involved in its vital ministry. And it will remind all of us of God’s goodness to, and blessings from, you and Concordia Seminary.”

To be added to the mailing list for Concordia Seminary magazine, write to: Communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105 or email magazine@csl.edu. The magazine can also be viewed at www.csl.edu.