Feb 23, 2010 Print This Article

'Reaching Out Together' Reaches Many

Concordia Seminary held the second annual evangelism conference titled “Reaching Out Together” on Feb. 13 on the campus of Concordia Seminary. Over 125 people were in attendance. The conference was sponsored by the Saturday Outreach School with the cooperation of Concordia Seminary, the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and North American Missions Ablaze!.

Dr. Robert Scudieri served as the conference keynote speaker. Other presenters included Kay L. Meyer, author of Witnessing—A Lifestyle; Rev. John Rathje, pastor of Christ in the City Lutheran Church, St. Louis, Mo.; Rev. Peter Kirby, Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ; Rev. Kevin Parviz, Lutherans in Jewish Evangelism; and Rev. Brad Aldrich, CrossPollination Ministries.

Participants’ comments included: “I am very pleased/gratified to have had the opportunity—we will use many of the ideas.” “I was very encouraged to ‘hone’ my skills for everyday evangelism.” “[Presenter] Brad Aldrich opened up a whole new possibility for reaching youth and those who dropped away.”

Next year’s “Reaching Out Together” conference is scheduled for February 12, 2011.

For more information, call 314-505-7486 or e-mail ce@csl.edu. Concordia Seminary is located at 801 Seminary Place in Clayton, Mo.