Jun 11, 2010 Print This Article

Seminary Holds Successful Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Workshop

Concordia Seminary, together with Peace Officer Ministries (POM), hosted “Christian Law Enforcement Chaplaincy—Theology and Practice,” on May 24-28, on the Seminary campus. There were 32 registrants, including four Seminary students and four police officers from Nigeria who overcame many obstacles to attend this year’s workshop. Also in attendance were several of POM’s Board of Directors. Scholarships from Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) World Relief and Human Care made it financially possible for four Seminary students, 1 LCMS director of Christian education (DCE), and 13 LCMS pastors to attend.

“The spiritual, professional, and moral impact of the training was remarkable and life- transforming,” one participant commented. “It is highly recommended for peace officers and police chaplains all over the world.”

“This workshop is as revealing as it is rewarding for individual and communal development,” another added. “It equips peace (police) officers and chaplains with grace and love, to serve humanity with a touch of concern and love of God.”

The workshop offered unique accredited training for chaplains, peace officers, and pastors, focusing on effective Christian ministry to and through law enforcement.

Next year’s Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Workshop is scheduled for May 23-27, 2011. For more information, contact the office of continuing education and parish services at 314-505-7486, ce@csl.edu.