Jul 07, 2010 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary, Donors Receive Award

Concordia Seminary has been selected to receive a top award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). It recognizes the exemplary support of donors and friends of the Seminary, including major donors, board members, alumni, faculty, staff, congregations, organizations, and other individuals and entities around the world who contribute to the mission of the Seminary. “The award is a testimonial to God’s blessings through all those who join the Seminary in providing pastors, church leaders, and resources to nurture Christians and proclaim Jesus Christ to the world,” said Rev. Dr. Paul Devantier, senior vice president for advancement. “May this award and all that the Seminary and its supporters do always be to His glory.”

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is a widely recognized and respected entity that provides development information to both public and private educational institutions. It annually grants awards to those institutions that have had notable accomplishments. The awards are granted independently by CASE based upon a review of financial and other information that CASE can access (including number of supporters, levels of support, numbers of gifts, extent of board, faculty, staff, and alumni involvement, breadth of advancement program, etc.). Institutions do not submit applications for the awards. Concordia Seminary was selected to receive a top honor from CASE for “Overall Performance” in 2009. Based upon its information, CASE chose 253 colleges, universities, and seminaries to consider for the 2009 awards. From these 253, CASE chose only 20 to receive the top overall performance awards. Concordia Seminary was one of the 20, and the only seminary. Among the other awardees were the College of William and Mary, the University of Colorado Foundation, Pittsburg State University, Vassar College, Washington and Lee University in Virginia, the University of Maryland, and Baylor College of Medicine.

The award comes just as the Seminary closes out its five-year How Will They Hear? Campaign. After the official end of the Campaign on June 30, 2010, the Seminary will be announcing the results of this comprehensive $77 million program. “We are convinced,” said Mr. James Ralls, Jr., chairman of the Seminary’s Board of Regents, “that the involvement of so many in the Campaign was a major factor in receipt of this award.”

In his comments, Seminary President, Dr. Dale A. Meyer, said “We have a dedicated and talented staff and the award is a tribute to their efforts, as well. We thank God for them and for all those who further the cause of the Seminary with their gifts. CASE has simply given us another indication of God’s great goodness to the Seminary.”

For more information about this award and the Seminary’s advancement efforts, call 800-522-5287 or e-mail advancement@csl.edu.