Jul 08, 2010 Print This Article

Discernment for Interim Ministry Workshop at Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, in cooperation with the National Association of Lutheran Interim Pastors (NALIP), will host a Discernment for Interim Ministry workshop on Sept. 28-29, 2010. This event is specifically designed to identify personal and pastoral gifts needed for transitional ministry, and to help participants become aware of professional and lifestyle challenges involved in intentional interim work before entering a full, 60-hour, 6-month of basic training in Intentional Interim Ministry (IIM) work. In the process, participants will also work with Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod staff to discern whether they can affirm and use a person’s gifts for IIM.
Leaders considering an intentional interim ministry for their districts in the future may wish to participate as well.

Note: Discernment Events can easily be scheduled by districts or regions for as few as 10 participants at a modest fee. This workshop was specially designed as a low-cost introduction to interim ministry issues before enrollment in the 60-hour training course.

The registration cost for Discernment for Interim Ministry is $200. On-campus housing is available for $40 per night for a single room; $25 per person per night for a shared room. To register or for more information, contact continuing education and parish services at 314-505-7486 or e-mail ce@csl.edu. More information on Intentional Interim Ministry in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is available at www.interiministrylcms.org.