Jul 19, 2010 Print This Article

Not Too Late to Celebrate Seminary Sunday

Concordia Seminary Sunday materials are available now. Though July 18 was the appointed date and lectionary for Concordia Seminary Sunday, it is not too late to hold an observance at your church! A special bulletin insert, a poster, an adult Bible study, sermon notes, and other worship resources are available to assist pastors and congregations in observing Concordia Seminary Sunday. The materials are not dated and may be used in a variety of ways throughout the year.

This year, “We Proclaim Him” is the suggested sermon and Sunday theme.

Concordia Seminary offers these materials as an annual opportunity for congregations to emphasize the importance of forming men for service in the pastoral ministry and deaconesses for diaconal ministry, and to assist in the crucial process of identifying, informing, and encouraging future pastors and deaconesses.

For more information or to order Concordia Seminary Sunday materials, contact communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7362; curlessj@csl.edu.