Concordia Seminary Newsroom
The American Mind Meets The Mind of Christ Published by Concordia Seminary Press
Concordia Seminary Press has released its newest book, The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ, published in May 2010. The book, edited by professor emeritus and former director of the Institute for Mission Studies, Robert Kolb, features nine essays by Joel Biermann, Tony Cook, Reed Lessing, David Lewis, Dale Meyer, Joel Okamoto, Paul Robinson, Leo Sánchez, and David Schmitt.
Initial sales have been brisk, and the book has been received with acclaim. “A thoughtful, sophisticated, biblically-based, theologically-astute exploration of the authentic Christian life,” stated Robert Benne, director of the Roanoke College Center for Religion and Society.
The description reads as follows: “Whether it is an altar to an unknown god or the New Atheists, Christians have always faced the challenge of translating the Gospel message within the surrounding culture. This is no less true for the tangled web that is 21st century America. Edited by global scholar Robert Kolb, these essays engage numerous facets of American culture—from politics to science, the movies to new media—to find the interconnections between the ‘American mind’ and the mind of Christ.”
Perfect for summer reading or small group discussion, the book costs $14.99 and is available for purchase at the Concordia Seminary bookstore, www.amazon.com, and by contacting theological research and publication at sempress@csl.edu or 314-505-7117. Purchases of two copies of more directly from the Seminary Press include free shipping. For more information, including excerpts, visit www.concordiatheology.org.