Dec 09, 2016 Print This Article

Kloha shares Generations Campaign in Arizona

klohaSome of the Seminary’s alumni serving in and around Scottsdale, Ariz., visited Nov. 5 with Provost Dr. Jeff Kloha at a special Generations: The Campaign for Concordia Seminary luncheon at Desert Foothills Lutheran Church. Kloha shared some insights about mission priorities at the Seminary and about the ways our alumni can help to support the mission. Advancement’s Tom Rehkop also shared information with the alums about hosting a Seminary Celebration.

If you are looking for ways your congregation can get involved in the Generations Campaign, a Seminary Celebration is an opportunity for congregations to share with their members the important work being done at Concordia Seminary to ensure that future generations will be served by faithful, relevant and relational pastors. We have resources available to help you organize an event. A Seminary Celebration can be held any time, and it’s not limited to just congregations – small groups can host one, too!

Find resources at For more information, please call 800-822-5287 or write to