May 20, 2024 Print This Article

Author reception honors Seminary faculty

Books, articles published in 2023-24 highlighted

Author Reception

Faculty members from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis who have written or contributed to published books or other publications during the 2023-24 academic year were honored at the 15th annual Concordia Seminary Author Reception May 14 in the Kristine Kay Hasse Memorial Library. The event was co-hosted by Concordia Publishing House.

Dean of Theological Research and Publication Dr. Kevin Golden addressed the faculty, staff and other reception attendees.

“Ecclesiastes talks about how the words of the wise are a goad – that they keep you on the straight and narrow; that they are like nails firmly planted and they all come from one Shepherd,” Golden said. “Now, I think that’s a fitting way to think about the work of our faculty authors, that they’re all being used by the one Shepherd to bring forth the words of the wise that help set us in the right direction.”

The celebrated authors included:

Dr. Andrew Bartelt, Professor Emeritus, Isaiah 1–12 Concordia Commentary Series (Concordia Publishing House, 2024).

Dr. James Brauer, Professor Emeritus,Music — God’s Mysterious Gift: Its Power to Influence Humans and Its Role in God’s Kingdom (Wipf and Stock, 2023).

Dr. Joel Elowsky, Professor of Historical Theology:

  • Steven Tyra, Neither the Spirit Without the Flesh. T&T Clark Studies in Historical Theology, Series eds. Brian C Brewer, Joel C. Elowsky (New York: T&T Clark, 2024). 
  • Angelo DiBerardino, Origins and Significance of Ancient Feasts, ed. Joel C. Elowsky (New Haven, CT: ICCS Press, 2024).

Dr. Adam Hensley, Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology, “The Ordination of Women and God’s First Article Gifts of Human Sexuality and Order in Creation” in Women’s Ordination through the Lens of the Apostles’ Creed, ed. Jonathan Shaw. Revised Edition 2024. LCMS Church Relations booklet.

Dr. Robert Kolb, Professor Emeritus:

  • “Election in Martin Luther’s ‘Body of Doctrine,’” in T&T Clark Handbook of Election, ed. Edwin Chr. van Driel (London: T&T Clark, 2024), 191–208.
  • “The Changing Role of the Bible in Theological Discourse,” in The Cambridge History of Reformation-Era Theology, ed. Kenneth G. Appold and Nelson H. Minnich (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024), 35-47.
  • “Theology, Politics, and Warfare” in The Cambridge History of Reformation-Era Theology, co-authored with Robert J. Bireley, S.J.; ed. Kenneth G. Appold and Nelson H. Minnich (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024), 718–736.
  • “The Reformation and the Emergence of Protestant Orthodoxy,” in Oxford History of Modern German Theology. Volume I: 1781-1848, ed. Grant Kaplan and Kevin M. Vander Schel (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023), 15–37.
  • “The Polis in Luther’s Theology,” in Theology and Ethics for the Public Church. Mission in the 21st Century World, ed. Samuel Yonas Deressa and Mary Sue Dreier (Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2023), 109-121.
  • “Martin Luther as Evangelist and Apostle, the Sermons of Cyriakus Spangenberg,” in To See a Theological World in a Grain of Sand. Festschrift for Pilgrim W. K. Lo on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, ed. Alister Au, et al. (Hong Kong: Gratia Christian College, 2023), 3–20.

Dr. Rick Marrs, Senior Professor of Practical Theology,“Journey through Depression” pamphlet for Lutheran Hour Ministries.

Dr. Ely Prieto, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Two sermon studies for Concordia Pulpit Resources – Concordia Publishing House, Volume 34, Part 1, Series B, December 3, 2023-February 11, 2024.

  • Advent 3 – December 17, 2023 – Study on John 1:6-8, 19-28 (Pages 20-23)
  • Advent 4 – December 24, 2023 – Study on Luke 1:26-38 (Pages 23-26)
  • Ideas for Illustrating – Advent 3 and 4 (Page 4)
  • Children’s Message – Advent 3 and 4 (Page 73)

Dr. Paul Raabe, Professor Emeritus,Isaiah 13-27: Concordia Commentary Series (Concordia Publishing House, 2023).

Dr. Mark Rockenbach, Associate Professor of Practical Theology,Unforgivable?: How God’s Forgiveness Transforms our Lives, co-authored with Ted Kober. (Concordia Publishing House, 2023).

Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M.,Professor of Systematic Theology,Migraciones: un poemario familiar.  Illustrated by Angélica Dayana Sánchez Merino. (Kindle, 2023).

Dr. Mark A. Seifrid, Senior Professor of Exegetical Theology:

  • “Justification,” Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, ed. G.K. Beale, D.A. Carson, Benjamin L. Gladd, Andrew David Naselli (Baker, 2023). 425-430.
  • “The Untamed Wrath of God in Romans,” Paul’s Letter to the Romans: Theological Essays, ed. Douglas J. Moo, Eckhard J. Schnabel, Thomas R. Schreiner, and Frank Thielman (Hendrickson, 2023). 34-37.
  • “‘These Things are Spoken Allegorically’: Paul and Christian Interpretation of Scripture,” in Scripture, Texts, and Tracings in Galatians and 1 Thessalonians, ed. A. Andrew Das and B.J. Oropeza (Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2023). 95-111.
  • Ecumenical and confessional writings / Edmund Schlink, Volume 2. Ecumenical dogmatics: Basic features / edited with an introduction and notes by Matthew L. Becker; translated by Matthew L. Becker, Robin Lutjohann, Hans G. Spalteholz, Mark A. Seifrid, Eleanor Wegener, and Ken Jones (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023).

Dr. James Voelz, Graduate Professor of Exegetical Theology,Principles of Biblical Interpretation for Everyone (Concordia Seminary Press, 2023).

About Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit