Master of Arts (M.A.) with Deaconess Certification
Residential Deaconess Studies
Deaconesses are called by congregations and into foreign missions, employed by hospitals, nursing homes and social service organizations. Through her theological training, skills and practical experience, a deaconess serves the church by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through works of mercy, spiritual care and teaching the Christian faith.
The Master of Arts (M.A.), Spiritual Care Major with Deaconess Certification is the route to certification as a commissioned deaconess. The Residential Deaconess Program forms and equips students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills requisite for service within congregations and other institutions of the LCMS. The campus community and curriculum provide opportunities for growth in personal and spiritual maturity and moral integrity; knowledge of the church’s religious heritage founded in biblical revelation, historical context and development; and insights into the confessions and doctrine as these serve diaconal ministry appropriate to the mission of the church in its contemporary setting.
Residential deaconess students are advised by the Graduate School, yet they are under the supervision of Ministerial Formation and must apply to the Master of Arts Program (Spiritual Care Major) and also to the Residential Deaconess Program. They will fulfill the requirements of both the M.A., Spiritual Care Major and the Residential Deaconess Program, including Resident Field Education, internship and personal growth.
Admissions Standards
Admission to Deaconess Studies (M.A. with Major in Spiritual Care plus ministerial formation component leading to certification) ordinarily is contingent on the student’s membership in a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or of a church body in fellowship with the Synod. An applicant is to have been involved actively as a communicant member in a Lutheran congregation for not less than two years prior to enrollment.
College Preparation
Applicants to Deaconess Studies ordinarily must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale). The degree should represent a broad liberal arts background and should include courses in English composition, writing and speech. It also should include courses in the humanities, psychology, social sciences, natural sciences and religion. Applicants also may find it helpful to take at least one foreign language.
For more information, review the Academic Catalog and Entry Level Competency Exam requirements.
Master of Arts (M.A.), Spiritual Care Major Credit Distribution
EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY 9 HOURS EXE707* Interpreting and Communicating the Word 3 hours EXE722** Synoptic Gospels 1.5 hours EXE725** Pauline Epistles 1.5 hours EXE708*** Old Testament I 1.5 hours EXE709*** Old Testament II 1.5 hours *EXE507 and EXE5031 can be taken if student has Greek proficiency.
**EXE522 and EXE525 can be taken if student has Greek proficiency.
***EXE508 and EXE509 can be taken if student has Hebrew proficiency.
PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 9 HOURS PRA711 Spiritual Care Foundations 3 hours PRA712 Spiritual Care of Women 3 hours PRA714 Spiritual Care & the Word 3 hours SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY 12 HOURS SYS507 Introduction to Systematic Theology (prerequisite) 3 hours SYS511 Creeds and Confessions 3 hours SYS512 Systematics I or SYS513 Church & World 3 hours SYS528 Theology of Ethics and Human Care 3 hours HISTORICAL THEOLOGY 3 HOURS HIS507 Introduction to Historical Theology 3 hours FREE ELECTIVES 9 HOURS Comprehensive Exam or Thesis TOTAL CREDIT HOURS M.A. (SPIRITUAL CARE): 42 HOURS + EXAM OR THESIS Master of Arts (M.A.), Spiritual Care Major with Deaconess Certification Credit Distribution
MASTER OF ARTS (MAJOR: SPIRITUAL CARE) 42 HOURS + EXAM OR THESIS Personal and Diaconal Formation Labs (non-credit) 2 hours Residential Field Education (non-credit) Internship & Internship Seminars 10 hours TOTAL CREDIT HOURS FOR M.A. AND CERTIFICATION 54 HOURS + EXAM OR THESIS -
Credit Distribution
Please see Page 92 of the Academic Catalog.
Resident Field Education
Each deaconess student will participate in Resident Field Education (RFS) during four semesters. Assignments will be made in congregational and institutional ministry settings in order to develop diaconal skills under the supervision of an experienced pastor or deaconess.
A 12-month internship is required of all deaconess students. The internship ordinarily follows the completion of all class work and field education requirements.
Paths to Certification
At Concordia Seminary, there are two residential degree routes: The Master of Arts (M.A.) with Deaconess Certification and the dual-degree Master of Arts (M.A.) with Deaconess Certification + Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Program. There are also three additional paths to certification via distance and extension education through the Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS), the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT) and the Deaconess Studies Program (Online-ODS).