Prevallet Hymn Writing Workshop
This Saturday morning workshop is an opportunity for Concordia Seminary students and other hymn writers and translators to gather together and learn from an expert in the field about the mechanics and craft of writing hymn texts.
This workshop is offered especially to Seminary students to equip them to participate in the annual Pamela Ann Prevallet Hymn Competition*. Although the competition is open to current first-year, second-year and vicarage Master of Divinity students, and M.A. Deaconess Studies students, all Seminary students may participate in this hymn writing workshop to learn or to sharpen their skills in hymn writing.
This year’s workshop presenters will be:
- Peter Reske is senior editor of music/worship at Concordia Publishing House (CPH), where he has served since 2004. Reske holds degrees in English literature from Marquette University and in musicology from The Pennsylvania State University. In addition to his ongoing role overseeing music publications for CPH, he was the editor of Lutheran Service Book (2006) and its attendant resources, editor of The Hymns of Martin Luther (2016), and editorial adviser for One and All Rejoice (2020). With Dr. Joseph Herl and Dr. Jon Vieker, he was co-editor of Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns (2019).
- Dr. Jon Vieker is an associate professor of practical theology and dean of chapel at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Vieker was integrally involved in the research, development, editing and production of Lutheran Service Book and its core companion volumes, currently teaches worship and hymnology, and has adjudicated a number of hymn competitions over the years.
The cost for this workshop is $15 (free for Concordia Seminary students and spouses), and a copy of The Anatomy of Hymnody by Austin C. Lovelace will be provided to each participant at registration. The deadline to register is Feb. 13.
Presentations will take place in CH-012, in the lower level of the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. The presentations also will be made available live by Zoom to all vicars and other off-campus students. Free copies of The Anatomy of Hymnody will be sent to vicars by email request to Dean of Chapel Dr. Jon Vieker.
8:30-8:45 a.m. | Registration, coffee and donuts, meet-and-greet with presenters |
8:45-10 a.m. | Presentation: “Back to Basics: Exploring the Most Important Mechanics of Hymn Writing through The Anatomy of Hymnody by Austin C. Lovelace” |
10-10:15 a.m. | Break |
10:15-10:45 a.m. | Morning prayer with the St. Louis Lutheran Chorale and Laudamus (North Transept) |
10:45-11 a.m. | Break |
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. | Presentation: “Back to Basics: Reflections on the Craft of Hymn Writing from Hymns throughout the Ages.” |
12:15-1 p.m. | Lunch (on your own) |
1–3 p.m. | Optional individual coaching. Participants may bring texts they have been working on to share with the presenters and other hymn writers and coaches who will be available. |
*The Pamela Anne Prevallet Memorial Fund Hymn Competition was created in June 2000 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Prevallet in remembrance of their daughter, Pamela Anne. Though Pamela Anne’s limited abilities prevented her from participating in many things other children could enjoy, it was clear in her short life that music was dear to her, particularly the sound of hymns practiced at home by her mother. It is thus fitting that she be remembered in this way. It is also a way of supporting Seminary students and encouraging church music and liturgical musical excellence. For many years, Mr. Prevallet was chairman of the Seminary’s Board of Regents. His widow, Martha, has served as a church organist for 40 years and lives in Blytheville, Ark.
Eligible applicants to the Prevallet Hymn Competition may apply through the Financial Aid Office. This year’s deadline for applying is Aug. 1, 2024.