Mar 16, 1998 Print This Article

1998 Institute on the Ministry A Big Success

"It was a wonderful weekend and helped make our decision easier," was just one of the responses received from participants in the 1998 Institute on the Ministry, held March 12-14, on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. More than 100 participants attended the 1998 Institute and learned a great deal about life in the Seminary community and the preparation that leads to service in Word and Sacrament ministry.

The weekend of activities included opportunities to visit classes, worship in morning chapel services, hear presentations concerning housing, financial assistance, course work, vicarage, resident field education and many other aspects of seminary life. A special session for women was conducted on Saturday morning and was hosted by Ruth Ann Johnson, wife of Dr. John F. Johnson, Concordia's President. Participants also had ample opportunity to meet and talk with faculty members, students, wives of students, and many others in the Seminary community.

One of the wives of a prospective student reacted to her participation in the 1998 Institute by writing, "This was excellent! Thank you so much for going 'all out' to make this a free and comfortable time. We have felt so much support, encouragement, and have received so much helpful information. This is all an added plus in making a decision that would have been much harder without the warmth and support…and seeing that it's possible to follow the Lord's leading in a new career change and life!"

"We are delighted with the response to the weekend," indicated Rev. Scott Sailer, Concordia Seminary's Director of Ministerial Recruitment. "The evaluation forms submitted after the weekend ended indicate that the Institute was very helpful for those who attended and that is what we strive to accomplish." Rev. Sailer also indicated that a high percentage of those who attended are planning to enroll at Concordia Seminary this summer or fall.

The Institute is one of three structured visitation opportunities offered for prospective students and their guests each year on the seminary campus. Another event, the Fall Visitation Weekend, will take place October 8-10, 1998. A third event, a retreat entitled "Shepherds of God's Flock," will offer a Spiritual, contemplative study of the Office of the Holy Ministry and will take place January 5-7, 1999.

In addition to these structured visitation opportunities, prospective students are always encouraged to visit on an individual basis, with guests.

On-campus housing and meals are provided free of charge for all campus visits.

Those interested in arranging a visit or receiving additional information are encouraged to contact the Admissions Office at Concordia Seminary by calling: 1-800-822-9545.