Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Seminary To Host Fall Sabbatical Week
The Fall 1998 Sabbatical Week for pastors will be held Oct. 19-23 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, with the topic, “Leadership: Pastor, People, Parish, Public.” Four presenters will bring a rich background of knowledge and insight on issues of leadership.
Dr. Norbert Oesch, Director of Parish Leadership Institute in Orange, Calif., will focus on “Leadership from Within” as demonstrated by leading a congregation into development of lifelong learning patterns. Rev. Stephen Wagner, Pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Carrollton, Tex., will present “Theology of Leadership,” as well as deal with issues of strategic and tactical planning. Dr. Dean Nadasdy, recent addition to the faculty of Concordia Seminary after 24 years of parish ministry and occupant of the Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Chair in Homiletics and Literature, will address “Biblical Methods of Leadership” and creativity in the leadership role. Rev. William Utech, Director of Resident Field Education at Concordia Seminary, and faculty member since 1996 following 10 years of parish ministry, will speak on “Building Trust as a Leader.”
Sabbatical Week begins Monday morning and concludes Friday at noon. Topics will address the needs of parish pastors and will offer personal growth and development. Time is divided into class time, self-directed learning and time for relaxation and reflection. Participants will be able to interact with faculty and students, use the full range of campus facilities and attend the Sabbatical Week banquet. Congregations may wish to provide a Sabbatical week for their pastor as a gift.
For more information, contact the Office of Continuing Education at Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7105.