Oct 12, 1998 Print This Article

Fall Visitation Weekend Draws Record Number of Guests

Over 80 prospective students and their family members attended the "Fall Visitation Weekend," October 8-10, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

The visitors heard presentations on the academic program, resident field education, vicarage, financial aid and housing, and on many other aspects of life at the seminary. They also were able to attend chapel services and to meet students and faculty members.

Director of Ministerial Recruitment, Rev. Scott Sailer, reports, "The Lord truly blessed the event with a record number of visitors. And judging by the evaluation forms, the participants received the kind of information they were seeking concerning preparation for the pastoral ministry and resources for students and their families."

One participant said of the experience, "Excellent! We felt very welcomed. This was more confirmation that we belong here next year."

Future structured visitation events for prospective students include the "Shepherds of God's Flock" retreat, January 5-7, 1999, and the Institute on the Ministry, March 11-13, 1999.

For information on other opportunities to visit Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, please call or write the Office of Admission and Ministerial Recruitment (1/800-822-9545; csladmis@aol.com).