Dec 18, 2000 Print This Article

New Banners Dedicated at Concordia Seminary's Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus

A set of eight banners, measuring12 feet in length and four feet in width, now adorn the nave archways along the north and south sides of The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The banners are a gift to the Seminary by Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger in honor of his mother, Mrs. Clara Deal Dellinger. Both were present for the Seminary's morning chapel service on Dec. 15 when the banners were dedicated.

Since the Chapel's dedication in November 1992, members of the Seminary community have investigated ways to extend the colors of the striking 26 foot by 13 foot stained glass window in the chancel to the chapel's nave in ways that would edify worshipers. In October 1999, Marjorie Hoetzel and Luanne Rimel, two St. Louis area fabric artists, were commissioned to create the banners.

The banners are sheer and translucent, creating an effect similar to that which would be produced by stained glass. Christ's life and ministry is the theme depicted in the eight banners, including His birth, baptism, temptation, teaching, crucifixion and resurrection. The bright blue, red and gold pattern which forms the background pattern in each banner is uniform. The Christian symbols, depicting the life and ministry of Christ, are smaller, inset squares, which encourage the viewer to consider their meaning.

The fabric used for the banners is a mixture of cotton and nylon. With a special acid-wash process, the amount of cotton in each banner was greatly reduced, leaving a thin, translucent fabric. Then, the blue, red and gold colors were painted onto the fabric. This special painting process was selected instead of dying the fabric, so that the colors will not fade over time.

Mrs. Dellinger, in honor of whom the banners were offered, has been a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Memphis, Tenn. for 98 of her 99 years. She taught small children in Trinity's Sunday school until just three years ago. "I taught Sunday school for 36 years, mainly the pre-school age; that's my specialty. I love the little ones very much," commented Mrs. Dellinger. "I think the banners are beautiful. I did not know if I was going to be able to attend this dedication, but I am so glad I could."

Several years earlier, Dr. Dellinger offered the cast sculpture of the Holy Spirit, represented as a descending dove, which adorns the pulpit in the Seminary's chapel as a gift in memory of his father. "My parents have been a wonderful Christian influence in my life," commented Dr. Dellinger. "My father and mother were always very active in the church. I want to recognize their role in my life and in the lives of others."

In addition to these chapel furnishings, Dr. Dellinger's generosity to the Concordia Seminary community also includes the annual Dr. Hubert L. Dellinger Lecture, which has featured such notable speakers as United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and commentator and author William F. Buckley Jr.

For more information, contact Dr. James Brauer, dean of chapel, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, M0 63105; 314.505.7000.