Jun 21, 2001 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Sunday Materials Prove Popular

More than 500 congregations have already requested materials to assist in their celebration of Concordia Seminary Sunday. Bulletin inserts, a sample sermon, a Bible study, suggested hymns and prayers, and Concordia Seminary’s new video, “Proclaim His Salvation,” are among the resources available from Concordia Seminary for this observance. While Sunday, July 22 is the suggested date for the observance of Concordia Seminary Sunday, the materials are designed to be used any time throughout the year.

In late April, a mailing was sent to all Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations inviting their participation in Concordia Seminary Sunday. The observance is designed to serve as an annual opportunity for congregations to emphasize the importance of forming men for service in the pastoral ministry and enlist prayer support for this activity, to inform congregations concerning the ways in which pastors are formed for ministry and to encourage congregational activity in the process of identifying, informing and encouraging future pastors.

The April mailing also gave pastors the opportunity to identify prospective seminary students and pass their names along to the admissions office at Concordia Seminary. “We have been very encouraged by this particular aspect of the observance,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, vice president for seminary relations at Concordia Seminary. “Dozens of prospective students have been identified. One pastor in Texas submitted 25 names of prospective seminary students. This is the type of response we had hoped to experience.”

Additional information and Concordia Seminary Sunday materials are available from the Communications Office, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63105; 314.505.7374; communications@csl.edu.