Aug 21, 2001 Print This Article

Registration Still Open for LutherHostel 2001

Registration continues for LutherHostel 2001 to be held Sept. 29 – Oct. 2, 2001 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. LutherHostel is an educational event for adults, 55 years of age or above, held every year. LutherHostel combines presentations by Seminary faculty, topical presentations by local experts, attendance at Seminary classes and plenty of socialization and fun. This year there also will be a tour of the Lutheran historical sites in Perry County, Mo., on Oct. 3 following the LutherHostel.

Rev. Loren Kramer and his wife, Arlene, will be the hosts for the event. Kramer is the former president of the Pacific Southwest District of The Lutheran Church E2 80 94Missouri Synod. He also will be the Sunday morning Bible class leader. Rev. Philip Ilten, a retired pastor in the Pacific Southwest District, along with his wife Sheila, will lead activities for participants on Saturday evening.

Several faculty members also will be part of the program. Other speakers will add their expertise and unique perspective to the theme of “Listen, God Is Calling.” LutherHostel 2001 begins on Saturday evening with a western style cookout. Other activities will include a carillon concert, student-led evening devotions, and tours of the St. Louis Arch and the Museum of Westward Expansion or the Botanical Gardens and the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis .

The registration fee is $135 per person, and a waiting list will be established. All meals will be an additional $125 per person. Limited housing is available on campus or in nearby hotels. For more information about LutherHostel 2001, contact the office of continuing education at (314) 505-7105 or e-mail