Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Offers Summer Courses Nationwide
The Concordia Seminary faculty will teach various courses for pastors and interested lay persons this summer throughout the United States. The tuition for each summer education class is $80 for clergy and $160 for lay persons. Grants from AAL/LB allow for a 50 percent reduction for professional church workers. Tuition is due 24 days prior to the beginning of the course, and courses have a minimum required enrollment in order to be held. Housing and meal information is available through the host pastor. The courses that will be taught include:
“Confirmation at the Crossroads,” June 10-12, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Wichita, Kan., by Dr. John W. Oberdeck, assistant professor of practical theology and director of continuing education and parish services.
“Begotten, Not Made: A Christian Perspective on Living and Dying,” June 17-19, First Immanuel Lutheran Church, San Jose, Calif., by Dr. Robert W. Weise, associate professor of practical theology and occupant of The Lutheran Charities Chair of Pastoral Ministry and Life Sciences.
“Teaching and Preaching the Gospel of Mark,” June 17-19, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colo., by Dr. James W. Voelz, professor of exegetical theology and dean of the Graduate School.
“Law and Gospel in Theology and Life: A Diachronic Survey,” July 8-10, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Seymour, Ind., by Dr. Ronald R. Feuerhahn, associate professor of historical theology and seminary archivist.
“Left Behind: A Biblical and Confessional Response,” July 8-10, North Dakota District Office, Fargo, North Dak., by Dr. R. Reed Lessing, assistant professor of exegetical theology.
“Using the First Testament in Today’s Pastoral Ministry: The Vision of Isaiah,” July 15-17, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Sheboygan, Wis., by Dr. Andrew H. Bartelt, professor of exegetical theology, vice president for academic affairs, and executive assistant to the president.
“Practical Pastoral Leadership,” July 22-24, St. Luke Lutheran Church, Oviedo, Fl., by Dr. David J. Peter, assistant professor of practical theology, director of the D.Min. program, and placement counselor.
“Therapy? Theology? Or Both?” July 22-24, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Lansing, Mich., by Dr. Bryan R. Salminen, associate professor of practical theology and director of specialized testing and counseling services.
“The Christian, Patriotism and War,” Aug. 5-7, Faith Lutheran Church, Franklin, Tenn., by Professor David W. Wollenburg, associate professor of practical theology and director of DELTO.
“Ministry to Families, Ministry by Families,” Aug. 5-7, King of Glory Lutheran Church, Williamsburg, Va.., by Dr. John W. Oberdeck, assistant professor of practical theology and director of continuing education and parish services.
“Developing Pastoral Judgment for 21st Century Worship,” Aug. 12-14, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, O’Fallon, Mo., by Dr. James L. Brauer, professor of practical theology and dean of the chapel.
“The Church in the World: Public Policy, Civil Religion, and Christian Witness,” Aug. 12-14, Faith Community Lutheran Church, Las Vegas, Nev., by Dr. David L. Adams, associate professor of exegetical theology and director of educational technology.
“Galatians: Paul, People, and Christ,” Aug. 12-14, St. James Lutheran Church, Cleveland, Ohio, by Dr. Victor A. R. Raj, mission professor of exegetical theology and assistant director of the institute for mission studies.
“1 Corinthians,” Aug. 19-21, Trinity Lutheran Church, Tryon, N. C., by Dr. Louis A Brighton, professor emeritus.
To register or receive further information, contact Dr. John W. Oberdeck, Office of Continuing Education and Parish Services, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63105; 314-505-7105;