Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Seminary Launches Publication For High School Students
The first issue of “Transformed,” a brand-new publication designed for young men in high school, is already in production at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and will be distributed across the nation in late March. The purpose of the publication is to encourage young men to consider the possibility of entering the pastoral ministry.
“This is the first time we’ve reached out to high school students through a publication,” commented Rev. Wally Becker, admissions counselor at the Seminary. “It demonstrates that we’re very serious about talking with them. They’re very important to us and to the future of the church.”
Stylistically, “Transformed” has been designed to appeal to teenagers. Each issue will be printed in full color. Inside, readers will find dynamic, informative articles by pastors and current Seminary students. These articles will focus on a positive portrayal of the ministry and will discuss some of the questions and challenges faced by men who have sought God’s will with regard to ministry.
Each issue of “Transformed” will feature a full-color poster that may be removed and hung on a student’s wall or locker. In the first issue, the poster shows the processional cross in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the campus of Concordia Seminary. The cross stands in golden rays of sunlight cast through the beautiful stained glass widow located just behind the altar.
By distributing a national publication designed just for young men, Becker hopes to assist students with the process of considering God’s plan for them and planning the next several years leading up to enrollment at the Seminary.
“Because the Seminary is a number of years away, it’s perhaps even more difficult for high school students than college students to plan ahead,” Becker acknowledged. “This publication will help students consider an appropriate college that could lead to Seminary, encourage them to become involved in the local parish in ways that might give them some experience with pastoral ministry and help them think about what the Lord might have in mind for their future.”
“Transformed” will be published three times a year, and issues will be sent directly to the homes of interested students. Lutheran schools, churches and other institutions and groups are invited to request copies or be placed on the mailing list. Bulk copies also are available. For more information, call 800-822-9545 or e-mail