Apr 04, 2002 Print This Article

Seminary Chorus to Perform on National Radio Broadcast

The Concordia Seminary Chorus will perform on April 7 from 10-11 p.m. CST during the Sunday edition of KFUO Lutheran Radio program, “Issues, Etc.” Rev. Henry Gerike, director of choral activities, and Dr. Norman Nagel, graduate professor of systematic theology, also will appear on the program, which is devoted to the study of hymnody.

The chorus will sing “Now My Tongue the Mystery Telling,” by medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas. Rev. Todd Wilken, host of “Issues, Etc.,” will discuss the music with Gerike and the theology behind the lyrics with Nagel.

“Our purpose is to teach and defend Lutheran doctrine and practice through the careful study of hymnody,” commented Jeff Schwarz, producer of “Issues, Etc.” “This is an important counterpart to the call-in version of the show that we broadcast on weekdays in St. Louis.”

The Sunday broadcast of “Issues, Etc.” will broadcast simultaneously on the Internet (www.kfuo.org) and on more than 100 radio stations around the country in major metropolitan areas. For more information, contact the Communications Department of Concordia Seminary at 314-505-7375; communications@csl.edu.