Concordia Seminary Newsroom
New Matching Grant Addresses Seminary "Growing Pains"
A team of concerned individuals has established a $500,000 “Growing Pains” Matching Grant at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, to address a significant financial challenge created by record enrollment growth. The grant will match, dollar-for-dollar, gifts given to the Seminary for the purpose of providing tuition assistance for future pastors. The grant has a June 30, 2004 expiration date or until the funds have been fully utilized.
“It is staggering to think that the number of students enrolled today is one third greater than it was just five years ago. This incredible increase is an answer to the prayers of God’s people for more pastors,” commented Leonard Fiedler, the Seminary’s vice president for development. “The Growing Pains Matching Grant gives the entire church an opportunity to give thanks to God for this abundant blessing.”
Full-time residential enrollment of men preparing to serve as pastors currently stands at 545, a 33 percent increase in enrollment since 1998. The growth rate accelerated dramatically when the Seminary began the year with 178 new residential students preparing to serve as pastors, a 44 percent increase over the previous year’s entering class and the largest incoming class since 1971.
Concordia Seminary remains committed to a partnership between itself, a student’s home congregation and his home district that strives to cover fully the cost of tuition for each residential student preparing to serve the church as a future pastor.
“The individuals offering this matching grant have a real heart for the students who are here preparing to serve as pastors,” Fiedler continued. “They want to see more pastors in the field proclaiming God’s Word and administering His sacraments for many years to come, and they know that others share this vision. This matching grant is a brave investment given to encourage similar support from other members of the church.”
Those who wish to take advantage of this opportunity may contact the Seminary via its toll-free number, 1-800-822-5287, or utilize the Seminary’s secure online donation function on its Web site ( Contributions designated for student aid or the Adopt-A-Student program will automatically be doubled by this grant. Individuals who are eligible to apply for Thrivent or employer gift-matching programs especially are urged to consider giving a gift prior to the June 30 deadline.
For more information, contact the Seminary’s development office at the phone number listed above, by e-mail ( or by writing to Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105. Progress toward the goal of funding tuition grants may be monitored on the Seminary’s website (