Sep 20, 2004 Print This Article

Bach at the Sem Begins New Season on September 21

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce the 13th season of Bach at the Sem, featuring presentations of J.S. Bach’s music by The American Kantorei under the direction of Robert Bergt. With one exception during the coming season, all sacred concerts in the Bach at the Sem series take place in Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. There is no admission charge and no tickets are issued.

The 2004-05 season includes the following:
Tuesday, September 21, 7:00 p.m. - Three Bach Cantatas: 190a - Sing to the Lord a New Song; 119 - Jerusalem, Praise the Lord" 120 - God! Mankind Praises You in Stillness at Zion
Sunday, November 21, 3:00 p.m. - at Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood Road at Woodbine, KirkwoodBethoven - Fantasy for Piano, Chorus, Solo Quartet, and Orchestra (featuring Mieko Hironka Bergt, piano); Mass in C for Chorus, Solo Quartet and Orchestra Transcription of the organ version of the Sinfonia from Bach's Cantata 29 by Marcel Dupre (featuring Dennis Bergin, organ); Prelude and Fugue in D Major (featuring Dennis Bergin, organ)
Sunday, January 23, 3:00 p.m. - Bach's Christmas Oratorio - 4, 5, 6
Sunday, March 6, 3:00 p.m. - Prelude and Fugue in A Minor; Trio Sonata in C Minor; Prelude and Fugue in E Minor (The Wedge Fugue); Motet 3, Jesu Meine Freude; Three Arias from the Schmelli Gesangbuch
Sunday, April 24, 3:00 p.m. - Credo from the Mass in B Minor; Cantata for Ascension Day.

For more information, contact Communications, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; 314.726.0882;