Oct 15, 2004 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Announces Address Change

After more than 78 years with the street address 801 DeMun Avenue, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, has a new address: 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105. The address change was requested by the Seminary administration and was approved by City of Clayton government officials on Sept. 28. Announcement of the change was delayed until street signs could be changed and United States Post Office officials could be notified. The new address should be used on all future correspondence.

The address change involved renaming the main street which leads to the Seminary campus. It is also the street that borders the former Christian Brothers College High School (CBC) campus, recently acquired by Concordia Seminary to respond to dramatically growing enrollment and to better serve the church. The street was formerly named University Lane. Its new name, Seminary Place, distinguishes it for campus visitors and the general public as the main entry route to the campus.

“When the Seminary campus was constructed decades ago, DeMun Avenue was a major streetcar route and served as the main entry point to the campus. Its name has not changed,” commented Rev. Glen D. Thomas, the Seminary’s vice president for seminary relations. “Yet the vast majority of people now enter our campus via Seminary Place, not DeMun Avenue. The change in address recognizes this phenomenon. It also serves to unite the 78-year-old Seminary campus with the recently acquired CBC campus.”

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, Mo. 63105; 314.726.0882; SemRelations@csl.edu.