Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Invites Prospective Students to Visitation Events
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, invites all prospective students, college age or older, and their guests to attend two on-campus visitation events. The Shepherds of God=s Flock Retreat will take place Jan. 4-6, 2005, and the Institute on the Ministry will take place March 10-12, 2005. Both events are designed to give participants a greater familiarity with the Concordia Seminary community and the preparation needed to serve in the pastoral ministry of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
AThe two events have different emphases,” commented Rev. Michael Redeker, director of ministerial recruitment at Concordia Seminary. AThe Shepherds of God=s Flock Retreat deals more specifically with the spiritual and personal aspects of the decision to prepare for the pastoral ministry and includes a study of what the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions say concerning the office.@
The presenters at the Shepherds of God=s Flock Retreat address the questions that many prospective students ask: AHow can I know for sure whether or not I should be a pastor?@, AWhat does the Bible say about being a pastor?@, AWhat do the Lutheran Confessions say?@ and AWhat does a pastor, missionary or chaplain do?@ An optional day is offered to address issues such as housing, financial aid and the application process.
AIn contrast to the Shepherds of God=s Flock Retreat, the Institute on the Ministry deals more exclusively with the logistical questions associated with Seminary enrollment and all of the changes that accompany it,@ commented Dr. Wally Becker, the Seminary=s associate director of ministerial recruitment.
Institute participants will attend Seminary classes, worship with the Seminary community in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, tour the campus, meet students and professors, and hear presentations on academic offerings, financial assistance, housing, resident field education, vicarage and the admission process.
Past participants have indicated that these events were extremely helpful for them. “Many are just beginning to consider the opportunity to serve our Lord as a pastor,” commented Redeker. “Others have already made application and have been accepted. Our goal is to provide as much helpful information for our guests as possible.”
Wives, fiancées and girlfriends of those considering Seminary preparation also are encouraged to attend both events, with special sessions planned for them.
Dress is casual for both events, and there is no charge to attend. All meals and on-campus lodging are provided free of charge. Transportation to Concordia Seminary from the airport, bus or train station, and return transportation is provided as needed.
To register for these events or to receive additional information, contact the Admissions Office at 1-800-822-9545 or More specific information and registration forms are available in the Admissions section of the Seminary=s Web site (