Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Announces 2005 Alumni Reunions
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, alumni, spouses and widows are cordially invited to attend the annual alumni reunions, held May 31-June 3 on the Seminary campus. The event is open to graduating classes from years ending in a “0” or a “5.”
The theme for this year’s reunions is “Church and World…Past, Present and Future.” The presenters will be Dr. Paul Maier (Class of 1955), Russell H. Seibert Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich., and fourth vice president of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod; and Dr. Richard Warneck (Class of 1960), professor and chairman of the department of practical theology at Concordia Seminary. A panel discussion moderated by Dr. Dale Meyer, interim president of Concordia Seminary, also will take place.
“While we have a lot of enjoyable activities planned for our alumni, their spouses and the widows of our alumni, we know that one of the primary attractions of these reunions is the renewing of relationships that were formed on this campus many years ago,” commented Rev. Michael Kumm, the Seminary’s director of alumni relations. “Our alumni are also very interested in seeing the changes that have occurred on the campus since they graduated. We are excited to show them the many ways God is blessing their alma mater.”
A new innovation in this year’s reunions is a continuing education opportunity on Tuesday, May 31, in the area of premarital preparation. Dr. Bryan Salminen, professor of practical theology and coordinator of the Seminary’s specialized testing and counseling services, will offer a four-hour afternoon session featuring the premarital resource he has developed, ZOE. This online resource is employed by many pastors as they meet with couples prior to marriage.
Registration will begin on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 31. Later that day, participants and faculty members will enjoy food, fellowship and fun at a picnic in Luther Statue Park. The evening will close with a carillon concert and a reception at Concordia Historical Institute.
On Thursday, June 2, a special afternoon worship service will be held which will include a choir composed of alumni, spouses and widows. The day’s activities will conclude with a banquet in the Seminary’s Wartburg Dining Hall.
Two special gathering are planned exclusively for the spouses and widows of alumni. A ladies’ brunch on June 1 will feature several women from the current Seminary community. On June 2, the women are invited to a brunch hosted by the Seminary Guild, where they will hear about the exciting work being done by this important organization.
In January, a mailing was sent to those invited to this year’s reunions. It included a registration form and information concerning area housing. It also will be available for download from the Seminary’s Web site at
For more information about the reunions or to reserve a room for a class gathering, contact Alumni Relations at (314) 505-7370 or