Mar 17, 2005 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Holds Institute on the Ministry

Over 45 prospective students and 24 guests attended the 2005 Institute on the Ministry at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, on March 10-12. The three-day visitation opportunity allowed prospective students and their guests to hear presentations on course work, financial assistance, housing and many other topics of interest. They also worshiped with the Seminary community in morning chapel services and visited classes.

“We were thrilled to welcome almost 70 guests to our campus,” commented Dr. Wally Becker, director of ministerial recruitment. “The guests included college students and prospective second-career students, as well as some wives, girlfriends and parents. It also was encouraging to have seven women in attendance who are contemplating enrollment in the Seminary’s new deaconess program. It is evident that God is continuing to answer the prayers of His people to raise up workers.”

Institute participants took part in information sessions, a campus tour, orientation and weekend preview. A special information fair on March 11 featured representatives from the 52 Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) schools in the St. Louis area, LCMS employers in the area, a realtor and other organizations. Participants enjoyed a bus tour of the St. Louis area that allowed them to see first-hand many of the LCMS agencies and employment opportunities close to the Seminary. There also was ample opportunity for guests to meet and to get to know many Seminary students and their spouses. On March 12, sessions on the admission process and the degree programs offered were held.

A special women’s information session took place on Saturday morning. This session featured women in the Seminary community sharing information concerning family life, schools, employment and opportunities for growth.

The Seminary’s next structured visitation opportunity will be the Exploring Church Careers Event to be held July 30-Aug. 2, 2005, followed by Exploring the Pastoral Ministry on Aug. 2-5, 2005, both for high school students, and Fall Visitation on Oct. 6-8. The next Institute on the Ministry will take place March 9-11, 2006. Prospective students interested in receiving some of the materials distributed at the Institute or in arranging a campus visit should contact the Admissions Office at Concordia Seminary at 1-800-822-9545 or